On this week's Motivation Monday, we're not just a solo show.
Are you interested in your thyroid health? Have you been worried menopause belly? In this episode we dive into how important our liver and thyroid are to our overall health, and how important it is to focus on your everything, instead of hoping for one thing, and a simple quick fix. In this episode I talk with Andrea Beaman, a Natural Foods Chef, health educator, thyroid expert, holistic health coach and herbalist, dedicated to alternative healing, and sustainable eating and living. Andrea’s past episodes have been some of the most listened to, and this will be no exception. Andrea and her husband both healed themselves naturally and she shares her story, and how she boosted her immune system and healed herself of a thyroid disease.
Questions I asked:
· Still going strong at 65, what’s your secret?
· Why is nutrition so important?
· What are some other good tips for people today that are really wanting to make changes in their health?
· What are some ways and some tips and, and things that people can do if they're just sluggish and tired all the time?
· You healed yourself naturally. Is that correct?
· Is it worth it to try a natural path before medicine?
Topics Discussed:
- Menopause and body comfort
- Holistic health and nutrition
- Toxicity in people, food and media
- Self-improvement and personal growth
- Censorship, immunity and truth
- Freedom of speech and its importance
- Thyroid health and adrenal fatigue
- Healthy living and medication side effects
- Fasting and gut health during menopause
- Gut health and its impact on mental clarity
Quotes from the show:
How you can stay in touch with Andrea:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
On this week's Motivation Monday, we are reminded that even if we feel inadequate, we are actually much more!
On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing how when you're called, you need to listen.
Are you worried about your relationship? Have you considered leaving and wasn’t sure how? In this episode I talk with Dr. Nadine Macaluso, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who was previously married to the infamous "Wolf of Wall Street", Jordan Belfort. Dr. Nadine shares her personal story of escaping a toxic, abusive relationship and the tactics her ex-husband used to control and manipulate her. She provides valuable insights into recognizing the warning signs of dark personalities and trauma bonds, as well as the challenges and fears that often prevent victims from leaving these harmful situations.
Questions I asked:
· How did you end up getting hooked up with the Wolf of Wall Street?
· When did you start to wonder what you got yourself into?
· Did you notice any red flags at that point?
· When did it start really like, when do you feel like you started wondering what you got yourself in for?
· What would you consider love bombing?
· How can we recognize when it's being done to us?
· What were the areas that he wanted power and control in?
· How did you find the courage, and when did you realize you needed to get out?
· How did you plan your escape? How did you get out and start over?
· I don't think people really understand the pull of the trauma bond and what it is, can you kind of sure explain that for the listener?
· Can you tell us about the devaluation and discarding phase?
· How can somebody spot the red flags today, if, if they are dating?
· Where can people find you online?
Topics Discussed:
· Recognizing and escaping toxic, abusive relationships and trauma bonds
· The tactics used by abusive partners, such as love bombing, control, and intermittent reinforcement
· The difficulty of leaving these relationships due to the trauma bond and fear of the abuser
· The importance of therapy, support systems, and building resilience to heal and move forward
· Educating others on the warning signs of abusive relationships to help prevent them
Quotes from the show:
· “Having remorse to me was almost more painful than what had happened, We're done. And so I left.” @thedrrealnadine @SisterhoodSweat
· “Resilience cannot be built in isolation. We have to reach out to others for help, and it's okay.” @thedrrealnadine @SisterhoodSweat
· “If it feels too good to be true, it probably is. So trust your gut if it's too much adoration, too much intensity, or if it's happening at too fast of a pace.” @thedrrealnadine @SisterhoodSweat
· “I got myself into therapy. And I would say therapy saved me.” @thedrrealnadine @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Nadine:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
On our Motivation Monday, we're discussing the fears of women in their 50s and beyond.
On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing looking forward to what is coming!
Are you interested in health after midlife? Have you been worried about aging? In this episode I talk with Joe Hoye. He is the owner of Hoye Fit. Although he is a 30 year old man, Joe decided to build a health coaching and weight loss business that leans into women and moms entering, in or past menopause to help them ditch the diets, regain control over their midsection and learn to have control over their body forever inside of a lifestyle they can enjoy. Joe has a very interesting story as far as WHY he felt chosen to serve this group of people... and that he didn't choose it himself! We discuss his reverse dieting method and how it works for people. Joe also shares what exercises are best for women going through menopause, and how to change your mental beliefs.
Questions I asked:
Topics Discussed:
Win training with JOE!
Quotes from the show:
· “There's nothing that makes me feel better than seeing my clients get healthier and watching the ripple effect of their transformation"@HoyeFit @SisterhoodSweat
· “If my clients can get up and do it despite their fears and limiting beliefs, then I can too. I never regret a workout, only the ones I didn't do." @HoyeFit @SisterhoodSweat
· “"The right diet is the one that works for you and keeps you healthy."@HoyeFit @SisterhoodSweat
· “we tell ourselves these stories sometimes and You need to be open To the fact that They're not true.” @HoyeFit @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Joe:
· https://www.instagram.com/hoyefit/
· https://www.facebook.com/Hoyefit/
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
On this week's Motivation Monday, we're discussing who you surround yourself with and how it impacts you.
On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing why it's important to feel fulfilled in your life.
Are you interested in a more natural way of living? Have you been worried about the quality of your food? In this episode I talk with Lacy Lain, a Certified Functional Blood Work Specialist and Functional Medicine Health and Nutrition Coach. She is the founder and CEO of Lacy Lain Wellness and the creator of The Lain Protocol for Optimal BALANCED Health. An expert in women’s hormone and functional health, Lacy is an international best-selling author featured in major publications like Her View from Home, and she enjoys speaking at international health summits and various women's events. Lacy is a Functional Blood Work Specialist that helps women with chronic health issues. She loves to share about how our bodies work from the inside out and gives unique insight on her personal protocol to jumpstart the process of bringing your body back into balance through her Lain Protocol for Optimal BALANCED Health. We discuss how to balance our bodies framework.
Questions I asked:
· What are some of the most common health issues you see in women, and how does your BALANCED framework address these issues?
· How does bioindividuality play a role in your approach to functional medicine, and why is it important for women to understand this concept?
· Can you walk us through a case study or success story where you helped a client overcome chronic health issues?
· What inspired you to focus on functional health for women and children?
· What will listeners learn through your BALANCED framework?
· What practical tips can you offer to women who are struggling with hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, anxiety, or other chronic conditions?
· Where can the audience learn more about protecting themselves and their families through lifestyle medicine?
Topics Discussed:
· Hormone issues and functional medicine with a certified specialist
· Healing from chronic illness through holistic approaches
· Hormone imbalances and their root causes, with a focus on natural solutions and personal experiences
· Circadian rhythm and its impact on hormone balance, with tips for improving sleep and morning routines
· Coffee's effects on hormones, sleep, and weight loss
Quotes from the show:
· “I’m always trying to think, ‘Is this going to work for my body or against it?’ @lacylain @SisterhoodSweat
· “I got in the argument with the dietitian at the hospital about putting sugar my husband's body when sugar feeds cancer, and that's what we're trying to battle here, right? It doesn't make sense.” @lacylain @SisterhoodSweat
· “We can set a bedtime but we're more likely to actually go to sleep at that time if we have a routine in place, and it does not have to be this big, elaborate thing.” @lacylain @SisterhoodSweat
· “I really want women to walk away from our program with tools for optimal health, not just while you're getting coached by us, but we want to give you the tools for longevity with it.” @lacylain @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Lacy:
· https://www.lacylainwellness.com/
· https://www.instagram.com/lacylain
· https://www.facebook.com/lacyville.tx
· https://www.pinterest.com/lacylain/
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
For our Wednesday episode, we're continuing the conversation we started on Monday about achieving goals, dreaming big and the power of a strong friendship
On this week's Motivation Monday, we've got part 1 of a conversation of achieving goals, dreaming big and the power of a strong friendship
On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing why sometimes the hardest things give the best outcomes.
Are you interested in a more natural way of living? Have you been worried about the quality of your health? In this episode I talk with Miriam Jacobson. She is a functional medicine dietician who specializes in helping people heal their gut and work through trauma. In this episode, we discussed her personal journey of healing after losing her father on 9/11, which led her to explore the connection between trauma, stress, and gut health. Miriam discussed how trauma affects the nervous system and gut, and explained her approach to healing that combines nutrition, mental health practices, and embodiment techniques like breathwork. She emphasized the importance of diverse plant-based foods for gut health, the mind-body connection, and processing emotions in a healthy way. Miriam also shared success stories from her practice and offered practical tips for managing stress, including a simple breathing exercise for use in stressful situations like traffic.
Questions I asked:
· How did Miriam get into the space of helping people heal their gut and work on trauma?
· Why isn't it healthy to stuff down emotions and put on a brave face?
· Why does trauma affect our gut health so much?
· What are some things people can do to have a healthy gut and microbiome?
· What are some of Miriam's greatest success stories in healing trauma and the gut?
· Where can people reach Miriam on social media and work with her?
· Can Miriam give one good breathing exercise to do when stressed in traffic?
· Where can people find you?
Topics Discussed:
· The connection between trauma and gut health
· How stress and emotions impact physical well-being
· The importance of diverse plant-based foods for gut health
· Processing emotions in healthy ways (e.g. journaling, nature walks)
· The mind-body connection and its role in overall health
· Practical tips for managing stress and improving gut health
· The benefits of breathwork and other embodiment practices
· The importance of self-love and nurturing in the healing process
Quotes from the show:
· "Our entire body is connected. They're talking about our organs as completely disconnected, rather than really looking at how the entire systems at play and how it's all really interconnected." @everybodybliss @SisterhoodSweat
· “It’s the biggest truth that I have found in my life. We can center ourselves with love, and we can say, okay, like, I actually want to provide myself with love." @everybodybliss @SisterhoodSweat
· "The biggest form of feedback that I get from my clients is, oh, my gosh. I didn't realize how crappy I was feeling until I started feeling better." @everybodybliss @SisterhoodSweat
· "It takes years for these issues to develop, you know, like, we can't resolve everything at once. And what I really did was looking at the body in layers." @everybodybliss @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Miriam:
· https://www.facebook.com/everybodybliss1
· https://www.pinterest.com/everybodybliss/
· https://www.instagram.com/everybodybliss/
· https://www.everybodybliss.com/
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
In this let it rip Friday, we're discussing how important it is to picture yourself where you want to go.
On this week's motivation monday, we're discussing the urge to purchase peace.
On this week's Let IT Rip Friday, we're discussing how to see the signs that tell you that you're exactly where you need to be.
Are you interested in a better approach to makeup? In this episode I talk with Christina Flack. Christina discusses the impact of makeup on their lives and careers, emphasizing the confidence and self-esteem boost it can provide. Christina shares her experiences as a celebrity makeup artist. We also discuss the importance of selecting the right color palette and discretion when working with people. We also talk about the significance of self-expression and authenticity in the beauty and media industries, emphasizing that true beauty comes from within.
Questions I asked:
- How did you get into doing makeup for celebrities?
- Do you do hair too?
- So when you transform somebody, you're basically enhancing the characteristics that they already have?
- Is it harder to do people's makeup when they get older?
- What type of makeup do you do?
- What's one of your favorite looks that you've done on a celebrity? And who was it?
- What about do people do to prep for you?
- What is the norm when you're shooting?
- Do you have regular segment that we can tune into?
Topics Discussed:
- Getting into the makeup industry and building a portfolio
- Transforming people's looks and helping them feel confident
- Skin care routines and protecting skin from sun damage
- Applying makeup for television appearances
- Techniques for different ages, like less harsh eyeliner for older clients
- Balancing enhancements with natural beauty and individual preferences
- Tips for specific procedures like chemical peels and dermaplaning
- Focusing on one's strengths and niche within the beauty industry
Quotes from the show:
· "I didn't start out doing celebrities. That took a few, quite a few years. I had to, you know, tone my hone my skills." @christinaflachmakeup @SisterhoodSweat
· "I want people when they're if you look at my portfolio on christinaflak.com different photo shoots, I do my makeup. I really like it to look really like natural and fresh and dewy." @christinaflachmakeup @SisterhoodSweat
· "We should always feel comfortable enough in our own skin. But when you have a job and you're in front of people, and you're trying to inspire them, and, you know, you just have to look together." @christinaflachmakeup @SisterhoodSweat
· "I do all of that as well. I do really natural but then I can make someone look like a Vogue model. I mean, it just depends on what the shoot is, what the client wants." @christinaflachmakeup @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Christine:
· https://www.christinaflach.com/
· https://www.instagram.com/christinaflachmakeup/?hl=en
· https://www.facebook.com/Christinaflachmakeup/
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
On this week's Motivation Monday, we're discussing how to observe what is going on without absorbing it all.
On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing why it's so important to show up as yourself.
Are you interested in igniting your business? Have you been struggling in your business, unsure of what to do? In this episode we discuss all things about growing your business, including focusing on one thing, reaching your goals, and improving your life overall. It’s all about keeping the focus and staying on the one path. Are you ready? In this episode, I talk with John Lee Dumas, the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award-winning podcast where he interviews inspiring Entrepreneurs who are truly ON FIRE. John joins us in a rapid-fire interview filled with advice for aspiring entrepreneurs or those who have had a business for a while and need to ramp it up. We discuss how often people get overwhelmed by doing too many things at once, and never really focus on one. John also shares how he crafted his incredibly successful podcast by honing his skills. This is a short episode, that is packed with value.
Questions I asked:
Topics Discussed:
Quotes from the show:
How you can stay in touch with John:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!
On this week's Motivation Monday, we're discussing the importance of choosing your Hard because life will be hard, but it's all about how you meet it and make the most of it.
On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing the importance of self-care, owning one's value, and being true to oneself at any age.