
SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.
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SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment










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Now displaying: 2024

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.

May 29, 2024

Are you dealing with parenting issues? In this episode I talk with Holly Swenson. Holly Swenson, BSN, RN, is a mother to four boys, wellness blogger, perpetual student of life, and the author of Stop, Drop, Grow, & Glow, a book steeped in conscious parenting and infused with joy, intention, and wellness. This conversation features Holly Swenson and Linda discussing important topics around self-care, wellness, and intentional parenting. Holly is an author who wrote the book "Stop, Drop, Row and Glow" about maintaining wellness as a busy mom. She shares techniques for moms to take care of themselves physically and mentally to feel fulfilled and radiant. Linda and Holly also explore a framework called the "Five Rights of Parenting," which provides a supportive approach for being fully present with children. Throughout, they offer advice on handling emotions, setting boundaries, allowing independence, and using reflection as a parenting tool. The discussion offers valuable insights for any parents seeking to care for themselves while raising well-adjusted kids.

May 24, 2024

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing how to turn your dilemmas into triumph.

May 23, 2024

Are you dealing with a slowing metabolism? In this episode I talk with Nagina Abdullah is a health coach for female professionals, corporate executives, and 7-figure entrepreneurs and founder of the website teaches tested and perfected metabolism-boosting strategies to help women lose 20-40 pounds while working 60+ hours a week even if they have tried everything.

Nagina has a degree in Molecular and Cell Biology from UC Berkeley, an MBA from NYU Stern AND worked for a top 4 consulting firm as a management consultant before starting her health coaching business. She has been featured in, Business Insider,, and many more!

May 17, 2024

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing about persisiting.

May 15, 2024

Are you your sports performance? In this episode I talk with Timmy Haman d about using palm cooling to enhance exercise performance. Host Linda Mitchell speaks with Timmy, who discovered the benefits of palm cooling through listening to a podcast and experimenting on his own. Timmy goes on to explain the science behind how cooling the palms can improve muscle function and prevent overheating during workouts. He discusses several studies that showed significant increases in strength, endurance, and recovery results from consistent palm cooling. Timmy also shares how he developed the Peak Performance Bar product to make palm cooling more accessible. Listeners learn practical tips for palm cooling as well as the various benefits people have experienced from incorporating this technique into their training. This interview provides valuable information on a little-known method for boosting fitness gains and muscle recovery.


 Questions I asked:

- How did Timmy get started with palm cooling and discover this technique?

- Why does palm cooling work and what is the actual science behind it?

- How often should palm cooling be done throughout a workout?

- Has everyone Timmy has tried this technique with seen significant improvements like he did?

- Can you explain again the study done with the NFL player?

- How much does palm cooling help to cool down the body?

- What are some DIY methods people can use for palm cooling during workouts?

- What other benefits have people noticed from using the Peak Performance Bar?

- Where can people purchase the Peak Performance Bar product - - Where can people find you?

Topics Discussed:

- Palm cooling technique and how it works to enhance exercise performance
- Studies that have been done showing significant increases in strength, endurance, and recovery from palm cooling
- How Timmy Hammond discovered palm cooling and created the Peak Performance Bar product to make it more accessible
- Practical tips and DIY methods for palm cooling during workouts
- Benefits people have experienced from using palm cooling such as increased strength, endurance, reduced muscle soreness, and hitting new personal bests


 Quotes from the show:



 How you can stay in touch with Timmy:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

May 9, 2024

Best-selling author of Women, Food & Desire, co-creator and co-star of the Oscar-nominated documentary Super-Size Me, and highly-sought-after wellness expert for thousands, Alexandra Jamieson has made it her mission to empower women to create epic lives–by honoring their cravings and kicking body shame to the curb.

You guys are going to LOVE this episode with our guest Alexandra Jamieson. You might know her from her appearance on Oprah talking about her TV series, “30 Days”. Jamieson has a power message about our relationship with food and how she is helping women everywhere discover the deeper truths and meaning behind their cravings. She dives in deep to her personal story where she faced tremendous backlash over publically making an announcement that shocked her community. We discuss everything from shaming and sexuality to the importance of living authentically.

She also reveals the four causes of cravings and the importance of listening to what your body is saying to you. She presents the idea that our body is speaking to us but too often we are not listening.

If you struggle with cravings feeling out of control or if you have questions about your emotions and wonder how your diet is affecting them, you will love today's episode.

Four Sigmatic Coffee Discount Code 

Linda's website

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio

Tune is here to listen now.


Here’s just a few of the many pointers Alex shared:

How to stop shrinking and start stepping fully into our personal power

  • It's not something we can do alone.
  • The importance of investing in the right relationships
  • Pay attention to authenticity
  • It’s never easy to let go of people or a certain way of living, but the more you do it the easier it gets. You develop grit and resilience. It’s a muscle that you can strengthen.

The 4 root causes of cravings:

  1. Bacterial
    • On a biochemical level, we are as much bacterial as we are human.  
  2. Nutritional
    • . Your body craves what it needs. Look at your cravings in more of a curious way.
  3. Emotional
    • . This gets shut out of dietary theory which is a shame. We are emotional creatures.
  4. Physical
    • . Sex and food. Vitamin P is the thing that we are all lacking. Play and pleasure.

How women can build a support system?

  • In-person events.
  • Ask, “Who lights you up? Who are you attracted to?”
  • Ask yourself, “How did you make friends when you were a kid?”
  • Be intentional about putting yourself around the right people.
  • Take a leap if you feel drawn to something. Other people like you will be there too.
  • Resource: Two summer camps for adults: Good Life Camp and Soul Camp.

For more valuable pointers from Alex and to hear the whole podcast, listen now HERE.

Don’t delay and listen now to start putting you and your body as a priority.

Social Quote:

“It’s not just about what we eat it’s about how we feel about ourselves, how we treat ourselves.”- Alexandra Jamieson

Alex is the creator of Her Rules Radio, a #1 rated podcast on iTunes where listeners from around the world are educated and captivated by thought-provoking interviews on wellness, cravings, sexuality, and more.

Her work has been praised and adored by Oprah, The Today Show, Dr. Oz, Goop, Martha Stewart Living, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, Elle, Marie Claire, USA Today, People, and the American Heart Association amongst many others.

As a lifelong learner, her wellness expertise has grown out of a decade of experience, as well as her education at the Natural Gourmet Institute, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and a certification in Applied Positive Psychology.

Here’s how to stay in touch with Alex:

Book on Amazon:

Facebook: @AlexandraJamiesonFanPage

Twitter: @deliciousalex

Instagram: @deliciousalex

Pinterest: @deliciousalex


May 3, 2024

On this week's episode, we're discussing the importance of taking a stand.

May 2, 2024

Are you dealing with anti-depressants?  Have you been struggling with your happiness? In this episode I talk with Brooke Siem. She is a writer, chef, and speaker whose work on antidepressant withdrawal has appeared in The Washington Post, New York Post, Psychology Today, and more. Her memoir, MAY CAUSE SIDE EFFECTS is the first book on antidepressant withdrawal to hit the mass-market. She is also a Food Network "Chopped" Champion, founder of the newsletter Happiness Is A Skill, and creator of the F*ckit Bucket™.


Questions I asked:

·      What do you want to challenge yourself with?

·      How did you get into all this Wellness? Have you always been like this?

·      How did you get on Chopped?

·      Was it fun to compete in that sense?

·      Can you walk us through your journey with depression?

·      What are the issues with taking anti-depressants?

·      How did you deal with the withdrawal?

·      How does exercise factor into this?

·      What about anxiety?

·      How does diet effect these things?

·      Where can people find you?


Topics Discussed:

·      Gymnastics and Crossfit.

·      Chopped.

·      Depression.

·      Anxiety.

·      Medication Withdrawal.

·      Healthy lifestyle.

·      Finding happiness.


Quotes from the show:

·      “I think age is just a number and you should do the things that light you up inside.” @brookesiem @SisterhoodSweat

·      “If people, like if they could just. Get help in a different way. I wonder how much of a difference that would make.” @brookesiem @SisterhoodSweat

·      “No one ever says, hey, we need to look at your diet.” @brookesiem  @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Depression is a natural reaction to grief.” @brookesiem  @SisterhoodSweat

·      “The more we can educate one another the better off we’ll all be long term.” @brookesiem  @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Brooke:

·       Website

·       Facebook

·       Instagram


·      Prohibition Bakery:

·      Fuckit Bucket


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Apr 24, 2024

This week we're collecting advice from some of the best and brightest in Women's Fitness to help you age in the best way possible.


In order: Betty Rocker (ep 489), Dr. Anna Cabecca (ep 388), Debra Atkinson (ep 583), and Natalie Jill (ep 137)

Apr 19, 2024

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing that you can only control how you speak, act and react to others.

Apr 17, 2024

Do you struggle with your relationship with your mother? Today, I’m talking to Khara Crosswaite Brindle. We explored mother-daughter estrangement and the process of healing from toxic relationships. We discussed her book on ruptured mother-daughter bonds and the common cycle of estrangement that includes questioning the relationship, potential relationship ruptures, and stages of grief, self-discovery, and redefining self-worth. We both shared personal experiences of emotionally unavailable mothers and the impact this had on their sense of self. They described struggles with people-pleasing, perfectionism, and boundary-setting due to a lack of modeling in childhood.


Questions I asked:

o   Where about do you live on the planet?

o   Do you go to the gym now?

o   What brought you into talking about Mother Daughter estrangement?

o   What assumptions about estrangement need to be dispelled?

o   What social stigmas are attached to this mother daughter estrangement?

o   What would you speak to women today that have gone through something like that? So they can understand their value?

o   How does one put boundaries in place when I may not even know what they should be?

o   How do you realize you’re worthy of these boundaries?

o   What's what would you say, separates these stages in the parental estrangement experience?

o   What separates the stages in the parental estrangement experience according to Kara's model?

o   What social stigmas are attached to mother-daughter estrangement?

o   What would you tell women today who have gone through abandonment by their mothers to help them understand their value?

o   How do people stop people-pleasing to your own detriment?

o   What is the name of Kara's book and where can people find it?



Topics Discussed:

- Mother-daughter estrangement and the estrangement cycle

- Impacts of emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, and abusive mothers

- Intergenerational patterns of trauma and their effects

- Struggles with self-worth, perfectionism, people-pleasing due to childhood experiences

- Grieving the loss of an idealized mother-daughter relationship

- Stages of healing from estrangement, including grief, self-discovery, and redefining self-worth

- Importance of setting boundaries and distinguishing emotional vs. physical estrangement 

- Societal pressures and stigma surrounding estrangement decisions

- Role of community and therapy in healing from childhood trauma

- Insights and strategies shared from Kara Cross's book on ruptured mother-daughter relationships



Quotes from the show:

·      “No daughter that I've worked with was like, this is fun for me. In fact, they're usually in grief and loss, they're usually in pain.” @optivida @SisterhoodSweat

·      “This book felt like a love letter to adult daughters who didn't feel the same. @optivida @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Most of the people I work with are women of all different backgrounds, all the way from like 19 years old to like 65.” @optivida  @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I was noticing a pattern where these women would come in with trauma, but they'd also have other relationship stressors, and life stuff.” @optivida @SisterhoodSweat



How you can stay in touch with Khara:

·      Schedule with me for a Professional Consultation or Discovery Call

·      Am I a Perfectioneur? A Quiz!

·      Grow Your Business with Perfectioneur Pointers

·      Ready for the Perfectioneur Workbook?

·      Join the Perfectioneur community!

·      Khara is author of Amazon #1 Best Seller Perfectioneur: From Workaholic to Well-Balanced and co-author of The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision available at

·      All services:




How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Apr 12, 2024

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing how to overcome fear.

Apr 10, 2024

Are you interested in a more natural way of living?  Have you been overwhelmed with all the fitness trends? In this episode I talk with Amanda Nigg. Amanda shared her journey of personal adversity and resilience, and how she used that experience to create a holistic wellness business. We discuss how to overcome hurdles, and why mental health is a priority. She discussed the mental health struggles she faced and how she overcame them. Amanda pivoted her career to create Farm Fit Mama, which focuses on quick and effective workouts as well as nutrition education. We discussed developing resilience after trauma, prioritizing mental health, simplifying life priorities, and debunking common fitness myths.


Questions I asked:

·      Can you give us your backstory?

·      What did you discovery from your loss?

·      How did you end up starting your business?

·      How does fitness relate to confidence?

·      How can we simplify our fitness?

·      What is Farm Fitness?

·      Why is nutrition so important?

·      Where can people find you online?


Topics Discussed:

·      Personal adversity and loss

·      Developing resilience

·      Overcoming mental health struggles

·      Pivoting in your career

·      Starting a business.

·      The importance of nutrients and nutrition.

·      Prioritizing mental health as part of holistic wellness


Quotes from the show:

·      “I remember lying in bed [after the house fire] cuz I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to face people, I didn't want to talk to anybody, not even my kids.” @Farmfitmomma @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I started sharing online. I switched my handle to farm fit mama because everybody was questions are like what are you doing? Whose program are you doing? What are you doing for nutrition?” @Farmfitmomma @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I think I really discovered how resilient I actually was. I didn't realize like I could bounce back from something like a house fire.” @Farmfitmomma @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I wouldn't have my business today, if it wasn't for that sign. I have really taken a whole different level on my purpose and passion.” @Farmfitmomma @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Amanda:









How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" 

Apr 8, 2024

On this week's Motivation Monday, we're discussing how important our perception is.

Apr 5, 2024

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing the importance of trusting your gut!

Apr 3, 2024

Are you interested in your thyroid health?  Have you been worried menopause belly?  In this episode we dive into how important our liver and thyroid are to our overall health, and how important it is to focus on your everything, instead of hoping for one thing, and a simple quick fix. In this episode I talk with Andrea Beaman, a Natural Foods Chef, health educator, thyroid expert, holistic health coach and herbalist, dedicated to alternative healing, and sustainable eating and living. Andrea’s past episodes have been some of the most listened to, and this will be no exception. Andrea and her husband both healed themselves naturally and she shares her story, and how she boosted her immune system and healed herself of a thyroid disease.

Questions I asked:

·      Still going strong at 65, what’s your secret?

·      Why is nutrition so important?

·      What are some other good tips for people today that are really wanting to make changes in their health?

·      What are some ways and some tips and, and things that people can do if they're just sluggish and tired all the time?

·      You healed yourself naturally. Is that correct?

·      Is it worth it to try a natural path before medicine?


Topics Discussed:

- Menopause and body comfort

- Holistic health and nutrition

- Toxicity in people, food and media

- Self-improvement and personal growth

- Censorship, immunity and truth

- Freedom of speech and its importance

- Thyroid health and adrenal fatigue

- Healthy living and medication side effects

- Fasting and gut health during menopause

- Gut health and its impact on mental clarity


Quotes from the show:

  • “It had more to do with my gut, instead of my thyroid.” @andreabeaman @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We’re damaging our livers in so many ways in the modern world.” @andreabeaman @SisterhoodSweat
  • “The vitamin C will help, but what else are you doing?” @andreabeaman @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Do something that going to nourish you, instead of kill you. Stress is the #1 killer.” @andreabeaman @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Andrea:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Apr 2, 2024

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing approval behaviors that need to stop to be successful.

Mar 29, 2024

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing green flags for people.

Mar 27, 2024

Are you interested in a more natural way of living?  Have you been worried about the quality of your food? In this episode I talk with Dr. Tom O'Brien, a renowned expert in environmental medicine and gut health. He shared his extensive knowledge on these topics with the host. They discussed how toxins can impact children's development and strategies for lowering toxin levels at home. A key focus was inflammation as the root of major diseases and reversing autoimmune conditions through diet. Dr. O'Brien also explained recent research linking conditions like multiple sclerosis and leaky gut. Listeners learned about supporting gut health with fermented foods and houseplants' ability to filter indoor air. The interview covered complex scientific concepts in an accessible way while emphasizing small lifestyle tweaks can make meaningful impacts on long-term wellness. It provided a wealth of practical tips and food for thought around preventing illness through toxin reduction.


Questions I asked:

·      Why are you so passionate about this?

·      How could I fortify it? How could I reverse inflammation?

·      What are some strategies for everybody out there to help reduce the environmental toxins that they have at home?

·      Is Greek yogurt okay to eat if someone has dairy sensitivity?

·      How does gluten really impact health and what does the latest research say?

·      What are houseplants removing from indoor air and how does this help reduce toxins?

·      How young are you for the audience today?

·      Which fermented foods are recommended to support gut and overall health?

·      Where can people find you online?


Topics Discussed:

- Toxins and their impact on children's health and development
- Gut health and the microbiome
- Reversing autoimmune disease through diet changes like going gluten-free
- Inflammation as the root cause of chronic disease
- Strategies for reducing environmental toxins at home
- The role of leaky gut in disease development
- The connection between gut health and overall well-being
- Cancer prevention through reducing toxic chemical exposure
- Taking small steps to improve health over time through lifestyle changes


Quotes from the show:

·      "When your immune system gets activated, and it's producing too much inflammation, the million dollar question is what is my immune system trying to protect me from?” @TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat

·      "Inflammation is not bad for you. It saves your life every single day. It's essential to survival on the planet, in excess inflammation is bad for you."@TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Women are more attuned to the aging process then men are.” @TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Dr.Tom

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Mar 25, 2024

On this week's motivation monday, we're discussing how you need to trust first and then you'll find confirmation your on the right path.

Mar 20, 2024

Are you interested in a more natural way of living?  Have you been worried about the quality of your food? In this episode I talk with Dr. Tom O'Brien, a renowned expert in environmental medicine and gut health. He shared his extensive knowledge on these topics with the host. They discussed how toxins can impact children's development and strategies for lowering toxin levels at home. A key focus was inflammation as the root of major diseases and reversing autoimmune conditions through diet. Dr. O'Brien also explained recent research linking conditions like multiple sclerosis and leaky gut. Listeners learned about supporting gut health with fermented foods and houseplants' ability to filter indoor air. The interview covered complex scientific concepts in an accessible way while emphasizing small lifestyle tweaks can make meaningful impacts on long-term wellness. It provided a wealth of practical tips and food for thought around preventing illness through toxin reduction.


Questions I asked:

·      Why are you so passionate about this?

·      How could I fortify it? How could I reverse inflammation?

·      What are some strategies for everybody out there to help reduce the environmental toxins that they have at home?

·      Is Greek yogurt okay to eat if someone has dairy sensitivity?

·      How does gluten really impact health and what does the latest research say?

·      What are houseplants removing from indoor air and how does this help reduce toxins?

·      How young are you for the audience today?

·      Which fermented foods are recommended to support gut and overall health?

·      Where can people find you online?


Topics Discussed:

- Toxins and their impact on children's health and development
- Gut health and the microbiome
- Reversing autoimmune disease through diet changes like going gluten-free
- Inflammation as the root cause of chronic disease
- Strategies for reducing environmental toxins at home
- The role of leaky gut in disease development
- The connection between gut health and overall well-being
- Cancer prevention through reducing toxic chemical exposure
- Taking small steps to improve health over time through lifestyle changes


Quotes from the show:

·      "When your immune system gets activated, and it's producing too much inflammation, the million dollar question is what is my immune system trying to protect me from?” @TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat

·      "Inflammation is not bad for you. It saves your life every single day. It's essential to survival on the planet, in excess inflammation is bad for you."@TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Women are more attuned to the aging process then men are.” @TheDR_com @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Dr.Tom

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Mar 18, 2024

On this week's motivation monday, we're discussing how you can be the light.

Mar 15, 2024

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing how to find the calm in life's storms.

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