What better person to take relationship advice from than a therapist! This week our special guest is Brooke Sprowl the founder of My LA Therapy. Her specialties include depression, trauma, PTSD, as well as marriage and relationship issues among others. Brooke’s articles have been featured in Social Work Today, Martha Stewart Weddings and many more.
Brooke believes in circular causality which in essence is the idea that your behavior is both the cause of another’s behavior as well as caused by another’s behavior. She shares with us the importance of turning our viewpoint inward to see what areas in our own lives may need adjusting in a relationship rather that projecting all the negativity outward. This episode is perfect for those wanting to strengthen their relationships and be more present with those they love.
Questions I Asked:
Topics Discussed:
Quotes from the show:
How you can stay in touch with Brooke:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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