Do you struggle with making time for workouts and maintaining a positive attitude with your health? Have you considered pilates but just don’t know if it’s the right fit for you? Maybe you’ve struggled with a past injury or soreness with past workouts. There is a solution and you don’t have to hate your workouts or spend hours sweating your butt off in order to get healthier and in better shape.
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In this episode I talk with Rebecca Beckler. Rebecca is no stranger to having to work hard and overcome adversity. In 2012 one of her daughters was diagnosed with Leukemia. Unable to have time to go to the gym, she developed a pilates body suspension method and now is on a mission to teach that to others. She encourages those who want to work at home to try this out, and tells us how 30 minutes a day can be enough to really get in shape and change our body composition.
Questions I asked:
Topics Discussed:
Quotes from the show:
How you can stay in touch with Rebecca:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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