
SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.
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SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment










All Episodes
Now displaying: 2020

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.

Dec 30, 2020

Are you struggling with emotional eating?  Have you been trying to lose weight and failing?  In this episode, we look at the struggles of emotional eating and how we can overcome them. We all have probably faced emotional eating this year, with quarantine, and all the things 2020 threw at us. In this episode, I talk with Jessica Procini, who is on a mission to help high-achieving women who are change-makers heal the roots of their emotional eating so they can use food as fuel rather than a way to cope, soothe and attempt to escape their busy, stressful life. She joins us to discuss the psychology of eating, and how she broke free from her eating struggles.

Questions I asked:

  • Can you tell us your story?
  • What are the free root triggers?
  • What is emotional eating?
  • You have a tool for emotional eating, what is it?
  • Why should we slow down our eating experience?
  • Why did you create your program?
  • What are the next steps for someone struggling with emotional eating?
  • What would you like to leave people with today?

Topics Discussed:

  • Emotional Eating.
  • Surface level changes.
  • Tackling fear.
  • Why are you eating.
  • Facing your own issues.
  • Guided meditation.
  • Slow down your eating experience.
  • Getting help.
  • Finding peace.


Quotes from the show:

  • “I didn’t want to feel like I had to get rid of a part of me to be free.” @jessprocini @SisterhoodSweat
  • “I had all of this education around health & fitness, and still felt compulsive around food.” @jessprocini @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We all deserve peace in our relationship with food.” @jessprocini @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Healing a compulsive pattern is an inside job.” @jessprocini @SisterhoodSweat
  • “If you’re taking food, and using it for another purpose like joy or safety, it’s emotional eating.” @jessprocini @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Jessica:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Dec 25, 2020

On this Let It Rip Friday, Linda shares all about how the goals she set last year came true, and we replay that goal setting episode from last year to help you set new goals. Merry Christmas!

Dec 23, 2020

Are you interested in overcoming money blocks?  Have you been worried about creating better relationships?  In this episode, we dive deep into this advice packed episode to get us all ready for our magical life. I talk with Stephen Lovegrove about his journey to becoming America’s Life Coach. Stephen is one of the fastest-growing names in personal development. After a traumatic childhood as a gay child in a fundamentalist cult, Stephen restarted his life and created the life and business of his dreams. We discuss the law of attraction, and how being desperate for something can drive it away. We also discuss his childhood, growing up, and the struggles he had to overcome. We are digging deep today!

Questions I asked:

  • Tell us where your wisdom comes from?
  • How did you come through that to be who you are now?
  • How do we find out who we are?
  • What would you tell people who feel like they have to hide parts of themselves?
  • How can we find self-esteem without feeling selfish?
  • Can you tell us how you changed around money?
  • How does desperation repel money?
  • What was your neediness stemming from?
  • Why are you closer to achieving something if you dream it?
  • How can we get in the mindset of prosperity and giving?

Topics Discussed:

  • Be yourself.
  • Not fitting in.
  • Knowing your worth.
  • Life coaching.
  • Knowing who you are.
  • Changing relationships.
  • Building self-esteem.
  • Financial stability.
  • Being needy.
  • Happiness from within.
  • Having dreams.

Quotes from the show:

  • “18 years of my life happened in this world of fear.” @drlovegrove @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Those were the messages I was receiving, that who you are is a problem.” @drlovegrove @SisterhoodSweat
  • “It’s all about helping people discover who you are and bring that forward.” @drlovegrove @SisterhoodSweat
  • “The nudges of who you are have been there all along.” @drlovegrove @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We don’t honor the nudges of who we are.” @drlovegrove @SisterhoodSweat
  • “There are people who will go on the journey of change with you.” @drlovegrove @SisterhoodSweat
  • “The relationship you have with yourself is a life-long relationship.” @drlovegrove @SisterhoodSweat
  • “You get to choose what you want to experience, and you get to experience it every time.” @drlovegrove @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Stephen:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Dec 18, 2020

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're talking about the climb to the top, and all the things that come along with it. Here's your holiday episode of Sisterhood of Sweat, if you're celebrating, we wish you the best!

Dec 16, 2020

Are you struggling in overtraining or obsessive dieting?  Have you been focused on only weight loss?  In this episode we dive into achieving balance in our lives right now, instead of being obsessed with something that isn’t working for you. In this episode I talk with Samantha Kellgren, a certified health coach with a background in personal training and run coaching, and a healthy obsession with personal development, joins us to discuss how she overcame unhealthy obsessions in order to find true joy in her life. We discuss the struggles of breaking out of unhealthy obsessions, as well as the feeling of not being enough. We really talk about finding a good relationship with yourself first and foremost and finding the healthy balance in your healthy lifestyle.

Questions I asked:

  • Can you get started into fitness and your change from running to yoga?
  • How did your personal journey of not enough look for you?
  • How to you balance your training and listening to your body?
  • How to we break unhealthy obsessions?
  • How does overtraining take away from enjoying your life?
  • What does identity have to do with overtraining?
  • Why do we need to control everything?
  • What surprised you when you gave up running?
  • What can you tell us about body acceptance?


Topics Discussed:

  • Obsessive thoughts.
  • Not being enough.
  • Finding balance in your life.
  • Fertility and Exercise.
  • Giving yourself rest.
  • Healthy not obsessed.
  • Look at the bigger picture.

Quotes from the show:

  • “Find something that’s active that you love doing.” @LiveSimplyWell @SisterhoodSweat
  • “I want not fueling my body enough to be running marathons.” @LiveSimplyWell @SisterhoodSweat
  • “I needed someone to tell me, you can’t do this if you want to have a baby.” @LiveSimplyWell @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Listen to yourself, you need to rest.” @LiveSimplyWell @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Samantha:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Dec 11, 2020

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing the importance of choosing your Hard because life will be hard, but it's all about how you meet it and make the most of it.

Dec 9, 2020

Are you interested in improving your performance?  Have you been struggling to grow your business?  Today, we’re figuring out how performance coaching for athletes can actually impact your business. We’re talking about important skills like listening, confidence, humility, and getting out of your comfort zone. In this episode, I talk with Alan Stein, Jr., performance coach and public speaker. He spent 15 years working with the highest-performing athletes on the planet (including NBA superstars Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry, and Kobe Bryant), and now teaches groups like Pepsi, Starbucks, American Express, Under Armour, and UGG proven strategies to improve individual and organizational performance, create effective leadership, increase team cohesion and collaboration, and develop winning mindsets, rituals, and routines. Alan joins us to discuss why you need a good work ethic, as well as how performance coaching can help your business grow. We also discuss why failure can be a learning tool, in order to grow to the next level.


Questions I asked:

  • How did you get started as a performance coach?
  • Can you share how you worked with Kobe?
  • Why is failure our best teacher?
  • What is one failure that you learned from?
  • Why is listening so important?
  • What do you think makes a person coachable?
  • Why do you think it’s important to know where we’re weak?
  • Why do we need to step outside our comfort zone?
  • How can we use the pandemic to improve ourselves?
  • What are the five commonalities of a champion?
  • What mantras do you say when you’re trying to achieve a goal?


Topics Discussed:

  • You don’t need to outwork everyone.
  • Solid work ethic.
  • Failure and opportunity.
  • Performance coaching.
  • Importance of listening.
  • Humility and Confidence.
  • Knowing your weaknesses.
  • Preparation is vital.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Failure, if approached correctly, can be a learning tool.” @AlanSteinJr @SisterhoodSweat
  • “If you don’t get the result you wanted, it’s a learning opportunity.” @AlanSteinJr @SisterhoodSweat
  • “The skill of listening alone has changed my life.” @AlanSteinJr @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We all love to talk to someone who is a great listener.” @AlanSteinJr @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Confidence is earned through demonstrated performance, but we need to blend it with humility.” @AlanSteinJr @SisterhoodSweat
  • “You need to make sure that the way you view yourself is accurate.” @AlanSteinJr @SisterhoodSweat



How you can stay in touch with Alan:




How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Dec 4, 2020

In this week's extra-long Let It Rip episode, Linda is joined by Kelly Tyan and Jodi Harrison Bauer, all about dealing with weight gain during COVID. They break it all down and discuss how we can fight the weight gain, keep positive, and keep going.


Connect with Kelly:

Connect with Jodi:


Dec 2, 2020

Are you interested in igniting your business?  Have you been struggling in your business, unsure of what to do?  In this episode we discuss all things about growing your business, including focusing on one thing, reaching your goals, and improving your life overall. It’s all about keeping the focus and staying on the one path. Are you ready? In this episode, I talk with John Lee Dumas, the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award-winning podcast where he interviews inspiring Entrepreneurs who are truly ON FIRE. John joins us in a rapid-fire interview filled with advice for aspiring entrepreneurs or those who have had a business for a while and need to ramp it up. We discuss how often people get overwhelmed by doing too many things at once, and never really focus on one. John also shares how he crafted his incredibly successful podcast by honing his skills. This is a short episode, that is packed with value.

Questions I asked:

  • How did you develop your podcast excitement?
  • What is your biggest advice for fear?
  • What are the top 3 attributes that every entrepreneur should possess?
  • What is one piece of advice you’d give to all entrepreneurs out there?
  • How do we become a person of value?
  • How do you get great guests on your podcast?
  • How do you get a person to unhook from other people’s opinions?

Topics Discussed:

  • Building a podcast.
  • Honing your skill.
  • Overcoming fear.
  • Don’t chase success.
  • Be of value.
  • Understand productivity.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Fear is nothing but false evidence appearing real.” @johnleedumas @SisterhoodSweat
  • “I didn’t always have this excitement, but I honed my skill.” @johnleedumas @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Busy work does not move the right ball forward.” @johnleedumas @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Being disciplined is being a disciple to a plan of action.” @johnleedumas @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Follow one course until success.” @johnleedumas @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with John:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Nov 27, 2020

On this week's Let It Rip, Linda talks to us about keeping hope in our dreams. We need to keep going, keep hoping, and keep taking those risks to lead us to our big dreams.

Nov 25, 2020

Are you interested in improving your brand?  Have you been struggling in your business?  In this episode dig deep with the godfather of personal training, all about his journey, his new launch, and how to make yourself a personal brand and inspire people follow you. In this episode I talk with Jake (Body by Jake) Steinfeld, a tried and true fitness authority, who is known for his exceptional motivational abilities and his instinctive talent of making the task of keeping fit seem simple and fun. We discuss how Jake built her personality up, and overcame a stutter as a kid, and became the fitness personality he’s known as today. He provides so much great value on being a public speaker, a fitness coach, selling a product and building your own brand. This is one to listen to over again.


Questions I asked:

  • How did your personality play into the role of you building your personal empire?
  • How did you end up in fitness?
  • How did you start personal training?
  • Tell us about your fitness outreach program?
  • How can people help you or support your mission?
  • How did you get started with your “Don’t Quit”?
  • How can we bounce back and feel better then ever?
  • What is next for you?
  • What is the secret to a long and happy marriage?



Topics Discussed:

  • Overcoming a speaking disorder.
  • Building confidence.
  • Fitness and confidence.
  • Dealing with jealousy.
  • Becoming a body builder.
  • Personal training.
  • Empowering students through fitness.
  • Healthy protein shakes.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Failure is not death.” @BodyByJake @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Stuttering is not something to make fun of.” @BodyByJake @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Success breeds success.” @BodyByJake @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Success is failure turned inside out.” @BodyByJake @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Life is about moments and decisions.” @BodyByJake @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Every person is a brand.” @BodyByJake @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Body By Jake:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Nov 20, 2020

On this week's Let It Rip, Linda talks to us about how to stay calm and collected when things don't go the way you planned.

Nov 18, 2020

Are you interested in overcoming obstacles?  Have you been worried about your mindset?  In this episode we dive into getting our mindset right, facing down our obstacles, and coming out of adversity stronger. It’s time to embrace the pain and see what it’s trying to tell us. In this episode, I talk with Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS. He is an internationally recognized strength, speed, and conditioning coach, personal trainer, bodyworker, motivational speaker, and author who motivates, educates, and inspires people worldwide. He is the founder of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA, a world-class facility that provides personal training, strength and conditioning, therapeutic massage and bodywork, Pilates, yoga, nutrition, chiropractic, and physical therapy programs. In today’s episode, we dive into his backstory, how an injury led him to his greatest purpose, and why we need to dig deep to overcome obstacles and adversity in order to succeed in our lives. This episode is pure fire, don't miss it.

Questions I asked:

  • You had a life changing injury; can you tell everyone about that?
  • What are some of the tools to help us overcome adversity?
  • How do we tap into those whispers and recognize them?
  • Why is it important to fill our cup?
  • Why should we focus on what we can do?
  • What do you do to get yourself filled up?
  • How do we tap into the power inside of us?
  • How did you get so clear on your why?
  • How do we take the leap to the next level without fear?
  • Tell them about your book, podcast and where people can reach you!


Topics Discussed:

  • Owning a business.
  • Coming back from an injury.
  • Getting your mind right.
  • Embracing the pain.
  • Keeping faith.
  • Why exercise is important.
  • Serving others and being honest.
  • Embrace the silence and become quiet.
  • Dealing with anxiety and stress.
  • Filling up your own cup first.
  • Tapping into our inner power.
  • Trust and belief.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Every day you’ve got to win the battle in your mind.” @ToddDurkin @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Embrace the pain and find out what it is trying to tell you.” @ToddDurkin @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Training is not optional, it’s mandatory to get your mind right.” @ToddDurkin @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Today I am going to make it a winning day.” @ToddDurkin @SisterhoodSweat
  • “How can I serve more right now?” @ToddDurkin @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Todd:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Nov 13, 2020

On this week's Let It Rip, Linda talks to us about how to manage all the dreams you have, even in 2020 when so much is canceled. This totally authentic conversation takes place while Linda was driving, but don't worry! She was being safe!

Nov 11, 2020

Are you interested in fitness competitions?  Have you been worried about weight loss and dieting?  In this episode, we dive into the culture of fitness competitions, the struggle to diet for an event or competition, and how easy it is for your diet to take over your life. In this episode I talk with Kim Barnes Jefferson, a travel junkie, master coach, podcast host, and lifestyle engineer, joins us to discuss how she went from fitness competitor to fitness coach. She talks about her own experiences with dieting taking over her life, and why her passion is to help women lose weight while also enjoying their lives. We discuss all things health, including routine, habits, small wins and so much more.

Questions I asked:

  • Can you tell listeners how you got started on this journey?
  • How did you become the honesty coach?
  • How long did you compete for?
  • What made you stop and decide to get into coaching?
  • How do you help people reach a goal?
  • Why are small goals important?
  • Doesn’t it all come down to habits?
  • Why do we need a routine?
  • Why does self-talk make a difference?
  • What advice do you have for listeners?

Topics Discussed:

  • Weight loss.
  • Fitness Competitions
  • Making small changes to lose weight.
  • Why keto isn’t for everyone.
  • Knowing how to make healthy choices.
  • Embracing a stumble.
  • Diet shouldn’t control your life.
  • Ignore the scale.
  • Make a routine.

Quotes from the show:

  • “I want to know what it feels like to be a regular person, instead of a fitness competitor.” @kjeffersoncoach @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Start with small goals, and let it be what it is.” @kjeffersoncoach @SisterhoodSweat
  • “It’s time to hang up the clear heels and create another identity when you’re not excited.” @kjeffersoncoach @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Your whole world ends up revolving around when you’re going to the gym and you’re missing family things.” @kjeffersoncoach  @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Willpower isn’t going to knock on your door.” @kjeffersoncoach @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Kim:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Nov 6, 2020

On today's Let It Rip Friday, We've got part 2 in our live video. Linda Mitchell is joined by Kim Boudreau Smith, Kelley Tyan, and Jodi Harrison Bauer to discuss how to take accountability and use it to create your rock-star life.

Nov 4, 2020

Are you interested in weight loss?  Have you been worried about your gut health?  In this episode, which was recorded live on Facebook, we dive into learning more about our overall health, as well as how a ketogenic diet works and how it can help you improve your gut health, and your life overall. I talk with Dr. Lori Shemek, a leading fat cell researcher, health expert, weight loss expert, keynote speaker, award-winning author, about her new book, The Ketogenic Key, as well as all things gut health. We dive into the diet, how keto can help with different health problems, and how to make the ketogenic diet work for you. This is a very informative episode!

Questions I asked:

  • What is ketosis and why should we care?
  • How do we get into ketosis and stay there?
  • Why is fat a better source of energy than glucose?
  • What is the importance of the different bacteria species?
  • How do we have good bacteria in our gut?
  • Why is it critical to get your carbs low enough?
  • Why does your body need that good fat?
  • How does keto stack up among other diets like paleo, etc?
  • Do you have research to back up the ketogenic key?
  • Why is the ketogenic diet so healing?

Topics Discussed:

  • Ketogenic diet.
  • Gut health.
  • Dealing with inflammation.
  • Losing weight with ketogenic diet.
  • Understanding the role of glucose.
  • Dealing with a fatty liver, and the impact.
  • Low carb diets.
  • Sugar is addictive.

Quotes from the show:

  • “These ketones are powerful for optimizing health.” @lorishemek @SisterhoodSweat
  • “When you have an excess of glucose, it can cause serious amount of problems.” @lorishemek @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We want to utilize a low carb diet, but it’s not just about ketosis.” @lorishemek @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Your body loves using fat as fuel, it’s long burning.” @lorishemek @SisterhoodSweat
  • “You need to pull the weeds, stop eating the toxic foods that keep the bad bacteria alive.” @lorishemek @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Dr. Lori:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Oct 30, 2020

On today's Let It Rip Friday, Linda Mitchell is joined by Kim Boudreau Smith, Kelley Tyan, and Jodi Harrison Bauer to discuss how to take accountability and use it to create your rock-star life.

Oct 28, 2020

Are you interested in gaining confidence?  Do you struggle with public speaking?  In this episode, we get first-hand advice to help us shake off our jitters and live our best life, even if that includes public speaking. I talk with Kerry Barrett, Founder, and CEO of Kerry Barrett Consulting, a full-service media training, and public speaking boutique. She discusses strategies to become better at being on camera. She dives into how to look polished and energized during an interview or recording. We also talk about her experience as a news anchor as a woman and tons of funny and interesting stories from her experiences.

Questions I asked:

  • How did you get started into all this?
  • Does your attitude help you recover from mistakes?
  • What is your go-to self-deprecating joke?
  • How do you handle someone who keeps talking?
  • How do you keep interview interesting to viewer?
  • How do you overcome the fear of speaking?
  • What are some of your most cringy moments in your career?
  • What are three tips for people to be camera ready?
  • How do you keep your energy up for the camera?
  • How tough did you have to be as a women in a field full of men?


Topics Discussed:

  • Public speaking fear.
  • Adjusting from mistakes.
  • Female in news.
  • Creating a good interview.
  • How to be confident on camera.
  • Dealing with digital interviews.
  • Improv classes.
  • Burning off nervous energy.
  • Why you need to keep going.

Quotes from the show:

  • “I learned that I could recover from my mistakes.” @TheReelKerryB @SisterhoodSweat
  • “If the viewer loses track of where the interview is going, they’re out.” @TheReelKerryB @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Using a little section from an interview that didn’t get aired as a way to connect with people in your newsletter or group.” @TheReelKerryB @SisterhoodSweat
  • “It comes down to just doing it.” @TheReelKerryB @SisterhoodSweat
  • “One failure doesn’t mean everything is sunk.” @TheReelKerryB @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Kerry:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Oct 23, 2020

On today's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing the fact that what is truly beautiful is the imperfect parts of you, and when you embrace the imperfection, you can truly rise to your highest purpose.

Oct 21, 2020

Are you interested in gut health?  Have you been worried about your overall health?  In this episode we dive into maintaining our youth as long as possible, as well as the importance of probiotics and antibiotics together. This is the perfect episode if you’re trying to improve your health. In this episode I talk with Ross Pelton, a pharmacist, clinical nutritionist a health educator and the author of 11 books, joins us to discuss all thing health. He is the scientific director for Essential Formulas, Incorporated. We discuss the importance of gut health, and the science behind the “second brain” in your gut. We also discuss Postbiotic Metabolites, and how to keep ourselves young and health based on our diet. This episode is packed.


Questions I asked:

  • How did you become a natural pharmacist?
  • How do probiotics work?
  • Why does fiber matter in our diet?
  • What is microbiome, and why is it important?
  • Why do probiotics matter in our body?
  • Is there a way to measure the bacteria in our gut?
  • Does your pH have any impact on your gut?
  • How do we know that our probiotics are working?
  • Would you recommend a colonic?
  • Why do we need probiotics with our antibiotics?
  • How does probiotic and gut health help with weight loss?
  • What do we need to make sure we have a complete microbiome system?
  • Why is drinking water good for your digestion?


Topics Discussed:

  • Gut health.
  • Natural pharmacist.
  • Fiber in our diets.
  • Our overall gut health.
  • The genetic conundrum.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Rapid microbiome repair.
  • More energy.


Quotes from the show:

  • “You need diversity in your sources of fiber.” Ross Pelton @SisterhoodSweat
  • “90% of children and adults aren’t getting the required amount of fiber.” Ross Pelton @SisterhoodSweat
  • “The microbiome is the term we use to refer to bacteria in your gastrointestinal system.” Ross Pelton @SisterhoodSweat
  • “The microbiome is an ecosystem.” Ross Pelton @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We are a superorganism; we are US plus THEM our bacteria. You are eating to feed them.” Ross Pelton @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Ross:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Oct 16, 2020

On today's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing the face you need to face your fear, and push past it, and embrace the faith that things will work out for your dreams. Don't let fear hold you back.

Oct 14, 2020

Are you interested in losing weight?  Have you been worried about dieting and trying to find balance?  In this episode, we dive into learning more about how to find balance in our diets, lose weight healthily, and how cinnamon impacts our bodies. If you’re looking to get healthy, this is the episode for you. In this episode, I talk with Nagina Abdulah, a health coach for female professionals, corporate executives, and 7-figure entrepreneurs join us to discuss the keys to healthy weight loss. She shares her personal story about losing 40lb, while being incredibly busy, and she found things that you can add to boost your metabolism, instead of taking things out.

Questions I asked:

  • Can you share your story about how you lost 40lb while working 60-hour weeks?
  • What is your metabolism boosting morning routine?
  • How can spices help our bodies?
  • How do you get women to stop feeling restricted?
  • How do you remove sugar from your diet?
  • How can you help people out there struggling with weight loss?
  • How can people stay motivated and consistent on their journey?
  • How do we create healthy rewards?
  • Why should be concerned about conversations around weight loss and body image?
  • You had a 20k launch, what was the secret to your success?
  • Where can people find you and join your program?


Topics Discussed:

  • Beating cravings.
  • Weight loss.
  • The impact of cinnamon.
  • Losing weight while busy.
  • Simple ways to get protein.
  • Using turmeric and black pepper.
  • Powerful spices for your health.
  • Choosing real food.
  • Cutting out sugar.
  • Weight loss and body image.
  • Leadership and self-esteem.

Quotes from the show:

  • “You want have a protein more breakfast.” @nagina @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Add an anti-inflammatory boost to your morning.” @nagina @SisterhoodSweat
  • “When you can fix inflammation, you can improve yourself overall.” @nagina @SisterhoodSweat
  • “You don’t actually have to feel cravings, it’s a result of the food we’re taught to eat.” @nagina @SisterhoodSweat
  • “When you continue to have sugar, losing weight becomes an uphill battle.” @nagina @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Give yourself permission to lose weight, or get healthier.” @nagina @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Action before attitude.” @nagina @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Nagina:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Oct 9, 2020

On today's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing our greatest dreams, and the fact that nothing will happen if you don't reach for those big dreams.

Oct 7, 2020

Are you trying to stop listening to other people?  Are you about to hit rock bottom?  In this episode, we dive into learning more how Kim created a life she thought everyone would want to have, based on lies, and then completely hated it and hit rock bottom. This is a great story about how you need to live your truth.

On this episode, I talk with Kim Boudreau Smith. Often referred to as a multi-media maven, Kim has experience on a multitude of platforms where she expresses Her Bold Voice. Today, we dig deep into Kim’s story. We discuss why it is so important to stop making decisions based on other people’s opinions. Kim shares how important it is to be authentic and be the real you, and also how to find your bold voice. This episode is packed with motivation for anyone who feels like they aren’t living their fullest potential.

Questions I asked:

  • Tell us about your backstory?
  • Why did you lie to get your career?
  • When it came crashing down, what did you do?
  • Once you started being grateful, how did that change things?
  • How did you find your own voice?
  • How did you start a radio station?
  • Why is it so important for women to have a bold voice?
  • How do we get in tune with our authentic self?
  • Where can people find you online?


Topics Discussed:

  • Climbing the corporate ladder.
  • Being inauthentic.
  • Why it’s important to find your voice.
  • Rebuilding after rock bottom.
  • Not listening to others.
  • Changing your life.
  • Starting her own business.
  • Creating an online radio station.

Quotes from the show:

  • “I was climbing ladders based upon lies” @KimBSmithInc @SisterhoodSweat
  • “I was living very ungratefully, I was unfulfilled.” @KimBSmithInc @SisterhoodSweat
  • “When I was grateful, I made it through my days easier.” @KimBSmithInc @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We female entrepreneurs, we need visibility.” @KimBSmithInc @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Society views us as weak if we don’t have it all together.” @KimBSmithInc @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Unfulfilled desires led to anxiety and depression and depletes confidence.” @KimBSmithInc @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Kim:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
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