Are you interested in starting your own business? Have you been concerned about your brand? In this episode, we dive into discussing how women can break the mold in business and in life. This is going to be an impactful episode.

In this episode I talk with Lindsay Mango, a Life and Business Coach, joins us to discuss her journey from college athlete, a self-made entrepreneur to a life and business coach. We discuss how important our mindset is in achieving our goals, and how what we think, and what we fill our mind with really matters. We discuss how to get the results we’re looking for in our life and business.
Questions I asked:
- What translates your energy?
- Why should you only show up as you to attract the right person?
- What would you say to someone who doesn’t full like they can be themselves with their fiancé?
- Will we attract more like us when we’re fully ourselves?
- What is your suggestion for those who are not comfortable around your vibration?
- How can people begin to go after the life of their dreams?
- How can we stop wasting time and start living?
- Why does making a transition have nothing to do with your circumstances?
- What habits do you need to shed to live the life of your dreams?
- How did you get into this space?

Topics Discussed:
- Being who you truly are.
- Going after Big Dreams.
- Why what you fill your mind with matters.
- Victim mindset.
- Situations are temporary.
- Don’t Repeat the Same Problems.
- Raising your vibration.
Quotes from the show:
- “The first step to any change, or any shift you’re going to make is being aware of what’s going on between your two ears.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat
- “Celebrate the discomfort.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat
- “I want to stay sharp as a tack til the day I die.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat
- “Things will change, but it doesn’t have to be in a way that you don’t feel sexy and valuable.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat
- “The more we can educate one another the better off we’ll all be long term.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Lindsey:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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