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Starting out in a family where physical, emotional, and sexual abuse was prevalent Catherine found herself feeling needy and clingy in relationships because she felt unloved. Catherine said she couldn't get a second date and would beg for men to please love her. Find out how she turns all of this neediness into empowerment in this episode
Catherine Hummel is a Love Coach, love advocate and your fierce guide over at where her one-on-one coaching and online programs for living in true love have helped hundreds of women open their hearts to healing and to receiving the man of their dreams. Catherine's encyclopedic knowledge of love has helped her create a step-by-step map for choosing a healthy romantic relationship that centers around a woman's inner worth, confidence and power. She helps women rewrite their love stories by giving them the steps for reaching radical self love and the tools for following the path to a true love relationship. She lives in Boston, MA with her fiance Andrew who she will be marrying in June of 2017!
Self-awareness is the first place for transformation.
If I love myself, the only decisions I make are what’s good for me.
It’s okay not to just show the good stuff.
How self-love and confidence are different.
How to correct mistakes the mistakes you may be making in your relationship.
Stop pointing the finger out and point the finger within.
You can re-write your story.
Our beliefs shape our behavior.
Just because you keep having the same experience it doesn’t mean it will be the experience you’ll always have.
How and why to stop seeking unavailable men.
Stop waiting to be rescued.
How to stop waiting for someday our prince will come and create an epic love story right now.
How to stop over giving and keep a piece back for yourself.
How taking responsibility can improve your relationships
Every woman is unique and special in her own way
You don’t need to have every man like you just set yourself up to receive the best man for you.