Are you interested in aging well? Have you been trying to be someone else for others? In this episode, we dive into female empowerment and taking charge of our own happiness and sexiness. This episode is all about getting out of our comfort zones and increasing our confidence.
In this episode I talk with Jodi Harrison Bauer, two-time World Bikini Champion, founder, and owner of JodiFit boutique fitness studio, host of podcast Fearless Authentic and the oldest woman to ever compete for the iconic Sports Illustrated Swim Issue, joins us to discuss how we all have sexy in us, we just need to embrace it. We discuss her experiences about overcoming fear and doubt and embracing her confidence.

Questions I asked:
- Tell us how you got into competing?
- Why should we leave a relationship if we’re not happy anymore?
- What is the importance of having someone to champion you?
- How did you overcome your fear?
- How do you step into your power and own your sexiness?
- What about the shaming of sexy women?
- Can you give us three tips to be sexy fit?
- What is next for you Jodi?
Topics Discussed:
- Live your own life.
- Fear of Aging.
- Finding your sexiness.
- Figure competitions.
- Being the real you.
- Getting uncomfortable.
- Finding your passion.

Quotes from the show:
- “There’s always that silver lining, but we have to keep our heart open and our mind open.” @JodiHarrisonBa1 @SisterhoodSweat
- “I need to be who I am, I’m not vanilla.” @JodiHarrisonBa1 @SisterhoodSweat
- “Look at yourself in the mirror, and say I Love Me.” @JodiHarrisonBa1 @SisterhoodSweat
- “Don’t let the things that scare you stop you.” @JodiHarrisonBa1 @SisterhoodSweat
- “I won two consecutive world titles as 49.” @JodiHarrisonBa1 @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Jodi:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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