Are you interested in embracing yourself flaws and all? Have you been worried about menopause? In this episode, I talk to Bree Argetsinger, aka The Betty Rocker. She is an internationally known health and fitness coach, innovative entrepreneur, and motivator of self-growth. Over 3 million people have taken her free 30-day "Make Fat Cry" home workout challenge, and thousands of women enjoy success in her online home workout studio Rock Your Life. She incorporates a strong holistic focus on body balancing, self-kindness and alignment into her work, thanks to her background as a hands-on structural alignment practitioner and her training in the CHEK corrective, high-performance exercise kinesiologist program. We discuss the 4 Pillars of Health, as well as Bree’s personal journey of health, fitness and education. We also talk about being flawsome, and why we need to aim to rock your life, not just your body.

Questions I asked:
- Can you tell us how you got the name Betty Rocker?
- What was your journey into the fitness and wellness space?
- Why is the thoughts of body image so important?
- Why is our need for acceptance and approval so detrimental?
- What does it mean to be flawsome?
- How can we turn the corner in negative self-talk?
- What are the four pillars of health?
- How have you dealt with your process through menopause?
- What about adding hormones to your body?
- How do you deal with doctors who don’t listen?
- Why do you say it’s all or something, instead of all or nothing?
- Why do you talk about Rock Your Life, not Rock Your Body?
- What is the freebie you have for listeners?
- Where can people reach you online?
Topics Discussed:
- Weight loss.
- Fear of Aging.
- Weight gain during menopause
- How to deal with perimenopause.
- How to find the nutrition that works for you.
- Importance of education.
- Practical health tips.
- Functional wellness.

Quotes from the show:
- “Over time with my own struggles I understood the need for education.” @thebettyrocker @SisterhoodSweat
- “I don’t try to maintain the most lean body year after year.” @thebettyrocker @SisterhoodSweat
- “We’re selling ourselves short with an unrealistic view of how we should look.” @thebettyrocker @SisterhoodSweat
- “Life is always going to present you with challenges, but you’re the creator of your own life.” @thebettyrocker @SisterhoodSweat
- “You don’t have to live with the crushing weight of people’s expectations. You’re in control.” @thebettyrocker @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Bree:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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