Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is
Liz is a world renowned speaker and coach on creating internal peace. She's the best-selling author of Happy Healthy Fit: Transform Your Life in 90-Days,
which helps readers change their health, break their bad habits, and create a body and life they love. Above all, Liz is a true entrepreneur,
creator, and futurist, as well as one hell of an athlete. Liz is teaching people across the globe on how to become “spiritual warriors” by way of
her online body & mind training programs that teach body and soul mastery through specific tools and consciousness coaching at
In this episode you will learn:
How you can choose to create your environment .
What you allow in your life can make or break you.
Alignment is your super power
Having a healthy relationship is more important then what you eat.
How to making the shift from being miserable to being happy is all about self-love.
You have to work for what you want not just wish for it.