
SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.
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SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment










All Episodes
Now displaying: March, 2018

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.

Mar 30, 2018


Warrior Mom with JJ Virgin


I am so excited to introduce to you our guest this week, New York Times bestselling author, celebrity nutrition expert, and Fitness Hall of Famer, JJ Virgin. Her latest book, Miracle Mindset, shows warrior moms how to be strong, positive leaders for their families. She also shares inspirational lessons that she learned as she fought for her own son’s life.

Listen to the podcast HERE

During JJ’s first book launch her 16 year-old son was hit by a car and left for dead. She shares how she used the “Miracle Mindset” to fight for her son’s life and “overrule” what doctors were telling her. She believes that our best time of growth is during challenges and that her family is now “better for what happened.”


We also walk through her famous Virgin diet and she explains why “eating less and exercising more” does not always work.  We also talk about weight loss resistance, the link between self worth and health, and why you should always put your health first.


Her story is incredibly inspiring and will empower you to “go for the impossible”.


Questions I Asked JJ:

  • How can we build a support team?
  • What would you say to someone who feels like they could never do what you did?
  • How does mindset tie into us being physically healthy?


Topics Discussed:

  • A way you can control your mindset throughout the day.
  • The best way to teach your children how to be healthy.
  • Her biggest failure when she first started in fitness coaching.


Quotes from the show

  • “We become better through trials, challenges, and difficulties.” @JJVirgin
  • “You are not going to raise healthy kids if they see you treating yourself like a second class citizen.”@JJVirgin
  • “Having a better mindset helps you in every area of your life, every single day.” @JJVirgin


How you can stay in touch with JJ:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Mar 23, 2018

I am excited to introduce to you our guest this week, Tara Rae Bradford. Tara is the Founder of The Potentialista®, a boutique public relations agency that works with authors, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders to help them share their innovative ideas with a larger audience while also building a respected reputation as an expert.

Listen to the podcast HERE 


Tara shares her personal story about when she was at the top of her career and yet felt incomplete. As a lead nurse in a critical care unit, she heard countless people share their regret for not spending more time with the people that they loved and living a more fulfilled life. Within a few short years, she left that career and pursued her dream of helping others thrive and live to their fullest potential.

In this episode, we talk about having the courage to follow your passion and overcoming self-doubt. We explore the topic of imposter syndrome and identify its symptoms. I also share a personal vision that helped me overcome my own fear of the unknown.

This is a powerful episode for those who struggle feeling worthy of their calling and need to shift their mindsets to pursue greatness. We hope after listening you will be empowered to embark on your own adventure and pursue the things within you.


Questions I Asked Tara:

  • What are the symptoms of imposter syndrome?
  • How did you learn self-love?
  • What is the science behind Imposter Syndrome?

Topics Discussed:

  • The importance of “I am” statements.
  • How to ask for and accept help.
  • Stretching outside of your comfort zone.


Quotes from the show

  • “If you are going to go anywhere worth going you cannot go by yourself. You have to have the help of others” @LindaMitchell
  • “It’s all about mindset” @TaraRaeBradford
  • “A lot of times we believe that we don’t deserve what we want” @LindaMitchell
  • “When you are letting go of the past, it is normal to feel sad” @TaraRaeBradford


How you can stay in touch with Tara:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


Resources Mentioned


"Proud Sponsors  of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!



Mar 20, 2018

This week I sat down with Justin Krane, author, money strategist, and frequent guest on MSNBC to discuss how we empower ourselves financially.

Check out the podcast HERE

I love Justin’s message because he encourages his clients to ENJOY life. Instead of feeling guilty about buying a five dollar coffee drink, he says that we should at times indulge in small pleasures. Although he agrees that we need to live and spend responsibility,  he has a refreshing way of teaching how to go about that.

We discussed many things in this episode including the power of delegating and creating a solid team around you, the importance of human capital, and how to develop a prosperity mindset.

This is an incredible episode for those who may feel at a loss with their finances or struggle with knowing how to balance a budget and still enjoy life.

Questions I Asked Justin:

  • How can we create better systems in our business?
  • Should we save for retirement?
  • How do we clear our mental blocks about money?

Topics Discussed:

  • Why men should not dye their own hair
  • The importance of getting on the “money scale”.
  • The importance of delegating.

Quotes from the show

  • “Systems are sexy.” @LindaMitchell
  • “Be a prosperity thinker. Believe that you can create the life that you want by taking action.” @JustinKrane
  • “I believe you have to fail all the time” @JustinKrane
  • “You have to invest in things that will make your strengths better”. @JustinKrane
  • “There is nothing wrong with working on yourself” @JustinKrane

How you can stay in touch with Justin:

Resources Mentioned

Mar 16, 2018

Today’s show is for those who need an extra dose of motivation! I am incredibly excited to introduce to you Todd Durkin. Todd is an internationally recognized coach, personal trainer, body worker, motivational speaker, and author who motivates people worldwide.

At the age of 25, Todd hurt his back in a serious football injury. His dreams no longer looked like a reality. However, as he says in today’s episode, he believes that people go through difficult times BEFORE they can soar.

Now as a successful coach and personal trainer Todd has used his story, fun personality, and inspiring message to not only help top athletes become physically strong, but mentally strong.

The best part of his story is that he is “just getting started in life” and “has more to give”.

This episode will inspire you to push through and embrace struggle, be more authentic in your work, and know that “Your best days are yet to come”.

Four Sigmatic Coffee Discount Code 

Linda's website

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio

(CLICK HERE to Listen)

Questions I Asked Todd

  • What did you do to set yourself apart as a coach?
  • Can you tell us about your morning routine and rituals?
  • What gives you energy?

Topics Discussed:

  • How to develop the champion’s mindset
  • The importance of mentorship
  • How to stop being our own worst enemy

Quotes from the show

  • “When we have the hope that tomorrow is going to be better today, that keeps us purpose driven.” @todddurkin
  • “Becoming a champion is many things over a small amount of time.” @todddurkin
  • “There is nothing greater in life than when you get clarity.” @todddurkin


Contest Information:

Share with us what “wow” moment you will create in the next 30 days for your chance to win either a gray hoodie or Todd’s new book. Post to social using the hashtag #contagiasm and let us know what you will do to create a “wow” moment and which prize you would like to win.  

 (CLICK HERE to Listen)

Todd Durkin


Instagram: @todddurkin

Twitter: @todddurkin


Mar 12, 2018

Best-selling author of Women, Food & Desire, co-creator and co-star of the Oscar-nominated documentary Super-Size Me, and highly-sought-after wellness expert for thousands, Alexandra Jamieson has made it her mission to empower women to create epic lives–by honoring their cravings and kicking body shame to the curb.

You guys are going to LOVE this episode with our guest Alexandra Jamieson. You might know her from her appearance on Oprah talking about her TV series, “30 Days”. Jamieson has a power message about our relationship with food and how she is helping women everywhere discover the deeper truths and meaning behind their cravings. She dives in deep to her personal story where she faced tremendous backlash over publically making an announcement that shocked her community. We discuss everything from shaming and sexuality to the importance of living authentically.

She also reveals the four causes of cravings and the importance of listening to what your body is saying to you. She presents the idea that our body is speaking to us but too often we are not listening.

If you struggle with cravings feeling out of control or if you have questions about your emotions and wonder how your diet is affecting them, you will love today's episode.

Four Sigmatic Coffee Discount Code 

Linda's website

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio

Tune is here to listen now.


Here’s just a few of the many pointers Alex shared:

How to stop shrinking and start stepping fully into our personal power

  • It's not something we can do alone.
  • The importance of investing in the right relationships
  • Pay attention to authenticity
  • It’s never easy to let go of people or a certain way of living, but the more you do it the easier it gets. You develop grit and resilience. It’s a muscle that you can strengthen.

The 4 root causes of cravings:

  1. Bacterial
    • On a biochemical level, we are as much bacterial as we are human.  
  2. Nutritional
    • . Your body craves what it needs. Look at your cravings in more of a curious way.
  3. Emotional
    • . This gets shut out of dietary theory which is a shame. We are emotional creatures.
  4. Physical
    • . Sex and food. Vitamin P is the thing that we are all lacking. Play and pleasure.

How women can build a support system?

  • In-person events.
  • Ask, “Who lights you up? Who are you attracted to?”
  • Ask yourself, “How did you make friends when you were a kid?”
  • Be intentional about putting yourself around the right people.
  • Take a leap if you feel drawn to something. Other people like you will be there too.
  • Resource: Two summer camps for adults: Good Life Camp and Soul Camp.

For more valuable pointers from Alex and to hear the whole podcast, listen now HERE.

Don’t delay and listen now to start putting you and your body as a priority.

Social Quote:

“It’s not just about what we eat it’s about how we feel about ourselves, how we treat ourselves.”- Alexandra Jamieson

Alex is the creator of Her Rules Radio, a #1 rated podcast on iTunes where listeners from around the world are educated and captivated by thought-provoking interviews on wellness, cravings, sexuality, and more.

Her work has been praised and adored by Oprah, The Today Show, Dr. Oz, Goop, Martha Stewart Living, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, Elle, Marie Claire, USA Today, People, and the American Heart Association amongst many others.

As a lifelong learner, her wellness expertise has grown out of a decade of experience, as well as her education at the Natural Gourmet Institute, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and a certification in Applied Positive Psychology.

Here’s how to stay in touch with Alex:

Book on Amazon:

Facebook: @AlexandraJamiesonFanPage

Twitter: @deliciousalex

Instagram: @deliciousalex

Pinterest: @deliciousalex


Mar 6, 2018

Dare to dream
Svetlana Kim is a speaker, award-winning author of White Pearl and I: A Memoir of a Political Refugee, co-author of The Last of the Four Musketeers: Allen Joe’s Life and Friendship with Bruce Lee, Speaker, director/producer of the documentary film The Last of the Four Musketeers, and consultant. She is also a host of the Radio Show called "To The Stars Through Adversity." .
In her book, White Pearl and I: A Memoir of a Political Refugee, she chronicles her journey from Russia to the United States, where she arrived with only one dollar in her pocket and not a single word of English at her disposal; today, she is a leader among her peers in the business world, and has been honored with numerous awards citing her commitment, skill, and integrity.
She has received countless awards including, the 2012 Asian American Women of High Achievements Award by the National Association of Professional Asian American Women (NAPAW). She was also a recipient of the NAAAP 100 Award and was honored in 2010 with the Orphan International Worldwide Global Citizenship Award for her contribution to saving the lives of children in Haiti.
She was recognized with the Daily Point of Light Award (Award Number: 3983) by Points of Light Institute created by the administration of President George H.B. Bush to honor individuals creating meaningful change in communities across America.
In 2009, the International Leadership Foundation paid tribute to Kim with its Leadership Award, selecting her from among a group of potential honorees including congress members, presidential cabinet secretaries, and other high-ranking officials.
Kim has been featured and profiled in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, MSN Money, MSNBC, Women's Life magazine in Seoul, Korea; the Asian Fortune; Networking Times; NASDAQ's Closing Bell; and The Gazette, a publication of the Library of Congress.
Kim is an active volunteer and has served on numerous boards of directors. Svetlana is married and resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband.

Intro to show:
I am so excited to introduce to you a powerhouse of a woman, Svetlana Kim. She talks with us about her journey over 27 years ago to come to America. When she first arrived in New York at the age of 23 she spoke no English and had only one dollar to her name.
In this episode she shares intimate parts of her story and how she was able to overcome tremendous adversity. Svetlana shares stories about being robbed of a precious possession, a moment in Russia where she “first cried out to God”, and the day she received her visa leading her to believe that “Miracles really happen”.
We talk about everything from spirituality, to grit, to living a life of service. She has an incredible story that will inspire you to listen to your heart and never give up.

Four Sigmatic Coffee Discount Code 

Linda's website

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio

Questions I asked Lana:
● What made you want to come to America?
● As a Korean, Russian immigrant, you came to America with one dollar in your pocket,
but a big dream within your heart . How do you think that dream in your heart, though
you had no money and couldn't speak the language, was the difference maker?
● You had a special pair of earrings and a bracelet that your grandmother gave to you.
Can you tell us the significance of that?
● There was a moment where you had to make a choice. That is when they stole your earrings, they stole your bracelet. Your grandmother had given it to you saying, “Sell this if you need to”. Of course you didn’t want to sell it. Here you are getting ripped off by a bunch of hoodlums. Your moment was whether you fold up and go back to Russia, or push forward. So tell us about that moment and how that brought you clarity.
● How did you meet the guy who knew Bruce Lee so well?
● What is the universal language that we all have to communicate with?
● How can people rewire their mindset? And how important do you think that is to their

Topics discussed:
The importance of consistency and small steps:
● Doing one push up is better than nothing.
● Focus on what you can do not what you can't do. It's a lot more than what you think.
● “A lot of us are waiting for a big success, a break through. In reality, it's what you do
● The power of the compound effect. If you write one page a day for a year, you will
have over 300 pages written of your book.
The importance of mantra chanting:
● Certain notes activate energy in your body.
● Opening your heart is very important.
● It helps you feel loved.
● The more you practice everyday, you will be in a constant state of peace and bliss.
● “The more you love your life, the more life is going to give you back.”
● Resource: Thomas Ashley-Farrand “best book on mantras”.
What to do when fear comes:
● Read self development books.
● Go to a workout class.
● “Keep on keeping on.”
● “Fear is a mental statement.”
Ways to enjoy the simple pleasures of life:
● Buy flowers.
● Buy a candle.
● Buy a tiny piece of chocolate.
● Go to national parks.
● It’s about mindset.
What to do when you feel stuck in your job:
● If you want to start something new, make a small step.
● When you start, you will create the map.
● GPS - be Grateful, be Purposeful, and Start.
● Start building your business with simple things.

“Sometimes we may live in a free country, but we are not living like we are free.” @LindaMitchell
“If you are listening your heart is speaking.” @LindaMitchell
“The more you serve, the more prosperous you are going to be.” @SvetlanaKim
“It is from the unknown that you step into greatness known without limitation.” @SvetlanaKim
“We build the walls of what can happen. But when you have no walls and you flow, that's where the magic happens.” @SvetlanaKim
“If you don’t have time, make time.” @SvetlanaKim
“What are we communicating? We are communicating without speaking.” @LindaMitchell
Svetlana Kim’s handles:
Instagram: Google Plus:
Linked In: Pinterest:
Facebook: 329498529274/?fref=ts

Mar 3, 2018

Annette Fredskov is a 45 year-old mother of two, Emilie (16) and Viktor (14). She lives with the love of her life Kim.

She says, “Every morning I make the decision to have the best day possible. I choose to do all I can to be the best version of myself. I choose to focus on all the positive; positive thoughts and positive feelings and what I want. I look in my eyes in the mirror and say, I love you. I smile to myself and feel love”.

Annette's motto, “I can do it” is something she's said to herself thousands of times. She says, “I have programmed my mind and all the cells in my body, to believe that everything is possible. If I really want it, if I believe it, and am willing to work hard for it. Forget all about limitations and go for it. I can do it, and so can you.  Do whatever you want and put your mind to it”.

From October 2010, Annette has ran 660 marathons and 24 ultras. In 2012/2013 she ran 366 marathons in 365 days. In 2015, she ran from Denmark to Paris, France, 1130 kilometers in 19 days.

She says, “I am curious what I can do when my mind, spirit and body work together and I focus on my possibilities. Then anything is possible”.

In 2009, she was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis). Today she has no symptoms of MS and medical examinations show no MS activity. She believes that her lifestyle with positive thinking and exercise has greatly contributed to her health. She says, “I have taken responsibility for my own life and it has given me freedom and high quality of life”.

Professionally Annette is a speaker, writer, and mentor. She is passionate about inspiring people to make the best of their lives, find peace, joy and balance and reach their goals.

She believes that, “We all deserve love, joy, laughter and passion - and even more love”.


Intro to show:

It was wonderful to sit down and talk with Annette Fredskov from Denmark. She was incredible energetic and had a powerful message to share with us.

Annette says that she is a “normal” person who made the decision to be extraordinary. She started running only ten years ago and since then has ran 660 Marathons. In one year she ran 366 marathons in 365 days, running two marathons on her last day.

Another amazing part of her story is that she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2009. Since then however, she has kept running and believes that by “taking responsibility” of her life she has been able to not only rewire her brain but also bring health to her body. Since her diagnoses they have not found traces of MS in her body.

She credits her ability to run, to her passion and curiosity. In this episode she says that every morning she makes “the decision to have the best day possible” and that she is “willing to work hard and forget all limitations.”

Questions I asked Annette:

  • What would you say to someone who says they don't run? Who say “I can’t”?
  • How much did you rely on your mindset when you were running mile after mile and probably sometimes wanted to quit?
  • Why did you set the goal of running a marathon everyday?
  • Did you want to prove something? If so what did you want to prove?
  • How many running shoes did you run through the year of running?
  • How much water per day was it necessary to drink to run these marathons?
  • What was it like to run a marathon everyday and still take care of your house, your kids, the laundry, cook and clean and all of that?
  • Do you think if you stopped running your MS would return? (Question from online)
  • What did you eat while running and what did you do to recover?
  • What other types of things did you say to yourself to keep going when it got hard?
  • What is the greatest lesson you have learned running 366 marathons in 365 days?
  • How did you recover when you had an evening and morning marathon back to back?
  • Did you eat before and after your run?

Topics discussed:

How can someone overcome the mindset of thinking that they “can’t” do something?

  • It comes down to what you want. If you really want to do something you have to make it important.
  • You have to be willing to take small steps. If you want to run, walk first. Then build up.
  • Know it's never too late to start something.

Power of mindset:

  • You have to be intentional with what you tell yourself repeatedly and what you fill your mind with.
  • Focus on what you want and not what you don't want.
  • Faith is a muscle. If you do not have it now you can develop it.

Dealing with criticism:

  • Any big idea people will think your crazy.
  • People may think it's crazy. But it's not their dream.
  • The bigger the dream, the more you need to go after it
  • When you go for your dream, you may get resistance. But if you believe in your dream, people will come along.
  • Realize that it has nothing to do with you. It’s about them.
  • Understanding age is a mindset.


Podcast Quotes 

“I am curious what I can do when my mind, my spirit, and my body, work together.” @AnnetteFredskov

“Whatever lights you up in life is what you should be doing”@AnnetteFredskov

“You have to have the courage to be a little crazy sometimes”@AnnetteFredskov

Four Sigmatic Coffee Discount Code 
Linda's website

Annette Fredskov handles:

Twitter: @AnnetteFredskov

Instagram: @AnnetteFredskov

Facebook: @AnnetteFredskov
