
SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.
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SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment










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Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.

Jul 29, 2020

Are you interested in being more positive?  Have you been struggling with toxic people?  In this episode, we dive into positive phycology, and how we can bring more positive into our lives, even during this current pandemic. We discuss how important mindfulness, exercise, and retraining our brains can be.

In this episode, I talk with Diane Lane, Therapist, Educator, and Positive Living Expert, all about bringing more positivity into our lives, during this trying time and every day. We discuss the importance of getting into our conscious mind, and how it helps us be more creative and overall happier in our lives, as well as the importance to make time for exercise, even a walk. Finally, we talk about how 40% of our lives are completely in our control, and we can decide to choose happiness and positivity.

Questions I asked:

  • Tell me a little about what got you started in that whole field of psychology?
  • What are some ways we could retrain our brain to a more positive light?
  • How does exercise play a role in retraining our brains?
  • How can we navigate toxic situations and keep our positivity?
  • How can we help people married to toxic people?
  • How can we keep our power?

Topics Discussed:

  • Positivity
  • Toxic relationships
  • Finding
  • Retraining our brain.
  • How to avoid negativity
  • Exercise and Happiness.
  • Mindfulness.
  • Making positive choices.

Quotes from the show:

  • “The gift that we have is the gift of slowing down and connecting right now.” @dlcounseling @SisterhoodSweat
  • “The only power we have in this moment is acceptance.” @dlcounseling @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Ask yourself, Am I making a choice based on love or fear?” @dlcounseling @SisterhoodSweat
  • “When we’re in the conscious moment, we’re more creative and our happiest.” @dlcounseling @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Happiness is a perspective, it’s how you view things.” @dlcounseling @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Diane:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Mar 13, 2020

Today I talk about when facing the fear of death, it really proposes the question " How Do you Want To Live?" I also discuss not sitting on our gifts but using our gifts so we can live fully in our power. How we can overcome the stories in our head, fear from the past, mass hysteria over the Coronavirus, and choose faith instead.

Feb 28, 2020

"Pretty Is as Pretty Does" my father always used to say that. I think what he was really saying its easy to be charmed by a good looking face but we need to look beyond the surface. "Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes to the bone". The masks people wear can be deceptive. Once you get beneath the surface you find out who a person truly is on the inside. Charm can be deceiving and beauty can fade away. Our bodies are just a shell, it's our actions that are an indicator of what's in the heart.

Jan 29, 2020

Are you interested in writing a book?  Are you struggling with your health and nutrition?  In this episode, we dive into discussing writing a book, and everything that goes into it. We also discuss nutrition, health and how it all ties together to create the life you want to live. You won’t want to miss this discussion.

In this episode I talk with Aaron Gendle, author, podcast host and coach, joins us to discuss his personal journey that led to him writing his book. Aaron healed himself from Chron's disease, and naturally without medicine. After that, he chose to write a book on his experiences and what he learned to help others. Today, we discuss why setting big goals is so important, and how books create a lasting legacy. We also talk about the importance of what you surround yourself with, and how you talk to yourself about success.

Questions I asked:

  • Why do you love to write?
  • Why could everyone write a book?
  • How did you get started writing your book?
  • Why should we be our own self-advocate?
  • Do you still follow the same diet you used to get healthy?
  • How did your health and life journey translate into your book, Conquest?
  • Can you discuss those 10 attributes for people?
  • What simple steps have you used to achieve big things in your life?
  • What are you fired up about in 2020?
  • Who do you want on your show?
  • What are the three simple tips you could give the audience?

Topics Discussed:

  • Setting big dreams and goals
  • Get your health and fitness right first, then go for a big goal
  • Fueling your passion
  • Reflect on your life and what’s going on.
  • The successful do not blame others for their problems.
  • Don’t make excuses for success.
  • The 10 attributes of the conquest formula.
  • Success is available for anyone.
  • Healing yourself naturally
  • Choosing what you surround yourself with.
  • Memories are important

Quotes from the show:

  • “I stayed to a diet I would want to follow, regardless of any illness.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Setting a big goal in your own life is really important.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Overcome fear and doubt with action.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Books are something that can live on forever.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Starving those doubts is the best way people can overcome them.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Aaron:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" 


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!
Mar 30, 2019

Melissa T. Shultz​ has written about health and parenting for The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Readers' Digest, AARP’s The Girlfriend, Next Avenue, NBC’s and many other publications.  She is the author of From "Mom To me Again" (How I Survived My First Empty-Nest Year and Reinvented the Rest of My Life) has some solutions for those left with an empty nest, how to survive and thrive. Nothing prepares you for your children leaving the nest.


I remember after I left home my father got choked up by the mark on our oak tree where the rope used to hang for our swing when we were growing up.


When our first two kids left the nest it was so empty at the dinner table, where we were used to lots of Laughter, stories, and antics of the day. I mourned the loss for two years


I cried when I left my youngest at kindergarten the first time I left him, because he was fine without me


I cried when we dropped our same son off to his college dorm room. When it was time to go it was all too soon. The time is over all too soon.


The thing is they will be fine without us. It is us as parents that will feel the greatest sense of loss.


Today we will bond over making peanut butter & jelly sandwiches decorated with hearts and smiley faces. How we put hearts notes in our children's lunches that said I love you.

Listen to the podcast HERE


Questions Kim Asked:

  • How do you get through the empty feeling your left with when kids leave for good?
  • What did you do to reinvent yourself and repurpose your life?
  • What are the common fears that women face when their kids leave the nest?
  • Did your husband experience the same grief and how did he deal with it?
  • When you’ve made your life about your kids  how do you figure out what your dreams are?

Topics Discussed:

  • The common fears that women face when left with an empty nest.
  • How to transition while your kids are still in highschool to move forward smoothly.   
  • Taking a new look at your friendships; losing old ones and developing new ones.
  • How your relationship with your spouse will be affected.
  • Make a list of your fears and tackle them one at a time

Tweet quotes from the show:

  • Pay it forward to other women  @melts4 @sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio
  • Writing your fears down really helps you tackle them. @melts4 @sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio
  • Make the shift from parenting to mentoring @melts4 @sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio
  • New adventures jolt you into being alive.  @melts4 @sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio
  • Being vulnerable actually draws people to you. @melts4 @sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio

"From Mom To Me again" Book Give Away - Leave 1 Empty Nest Tip To Enter Drawing For Melissa T' Shultz"s book and Hashtag #SisterhoodofSWEAT

Get Melissa's Book - From Mom To Me 

How you can stay in touch with Melissa:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


Resources Mentioned

  • The Sisterhood of SWEAT


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Jan 16, 2019

Do you ever find yourself second guessing yourself? You have some ideas or dreams, but then reality hits, and you ask the question, “Who am I to do this?”  Doubts creep in along with fears of the unknown. We tend to live in that constant state of fears and because of it remain exactly where we are. But what we were to break out of that fear?  What if we were to make steps today that would lead us to a brighter and better future version of ourselves?


Listen to the podcast HERE


In this episode I talk about my own struggle about opening a gym and the fears and doubts that I had as I second guessed myself.  I realize that we all have big plans and dreams, so how do we turn those into a reality rather than just sitting on them? How do we take that first step and then another in order to further our dreams and do the desires that are in us to do.  That’s what we are talking about today.


Topics Discussed:

  • Making big plans.
  • How to overcome fear.
  • Recognizing that you are capable.

Quotes from the show:

  • “We worry about the what ifs instead of what could be.” @LindaMitchell
  • “What are you actually afraid of?” @LindaMitchell
  • “You’re going to win or learn.” @LindaMitchell
  • “Give yourself permission.” @LindaMitchell
  • “You can’t put one foot in and one foot out.” @LindaMitchell
  • “I don’t have to do things the way others have done them.” @LindaMitchell

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


Jan 3, 2019

Do you struggle with people pleasing?  Have you found yourself constantly doing things you don’t want to do for fear of disappointing others?  We’ve probably all experienced that fear of letting people down from time to time. But are we doing ourselves along with others a disservice by giving in and not setting boundaries?


Listen to the podcast HERE


In this episode I talk with Diane Randall as we discuss the importance of setting boundaries with your family, friends, and even your employer.  We talk about the importance of not giving in to the people pleasing attitude and why refueling and taking care of yourself first so that you have something to give out is so important.  

Questions I asked:

  • How do you set boundaries with family members?
  • How can we navigate difficult situations?
  • What do you do if people are disappointed in you?


Topics Discussed:

  • How to have a healthy balance between work our real lives.
  • How to set boundaries with friends and family.
  • Practicing self care.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Change the things that don’t serve your higher good.” @dianerandallcon
  • “We don’t learn boundaries as a child.” @dianerandallcon
  • “Be proactive about setting boundaries.” @dianerandallcon
  • “Set that clear and firm boundary.” @dianerandallcon
  • “Self care allows us to refuel.” @dianerandallcon

How you can stay in touch with Diane:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!




Dec 20, 2018

Do you feel afraid of something?  I mean something that just terrifies you to the core?  Is it something that you want to do but just can’t bring yourself to do because of the fear?  Let’s face it, we can get so stuck in one place because we are crippled by fear. Whether it be of others opinions or something on a deeper level that we carry inside.


Listen to the podcast HERE


In this episode I talk about one of my most deep rooted fears and how I am working on getting out of that fear and how much more can come to us when we step outside of our comfort zone.  Whether your fear is of the unknown, fitness goals, or some other personal goals, there is hope to overcome it, and our growth requires it.

Topics Discussed:

  • Overcoming fear.
  • Stepping outside your comfort zone.
  • How we can use our fear to propel us forward

Quotes from the show:

  • “I want to help women have confidence.” @LindaMitchell
  • “Don’t limit yourself in anyway.” @LindaMitchell
  • “The things that happen through following the ‘nudge’ are crazy.” @LindaMitchell
  • “Sometimes you get stuck in your failure.” @LindaMitchell
  • “You win or you learn from your failure.” @LindaMitchell

How you can stay in touch with Linda:

"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!



Dec 12, 2018

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when things seemed to be going right, and then trauma hit?  We’ve probably all experienced rough patches from time to time. Our guest this week, Amberly Lago dives into her journey through a horrific motorcycle accident which resulted in 34 surgeries and a coma which would forever change her life.


Listen to the podcast HERE


Amberly discusses how she experienced an intense amount of pain and recovery time from her accident but also how she was able to build her resilience and overcome depression, pain, and anger that would result from her injuries.  She believes that resilience is something we can build and become stronger in, much like training a muscle, and she incorporates this into recovery from a crisis. She talks about how now she is stronger because of what happens and how it has led to new opportunity.

Questions I Asked:

  • How did you pull yourself out of feeling sorry for yourself?
  • How did you deal with your anger?
  • How did you use perception to get through your accident?

Topics Discussed:

  • Pushing through times of crisis and pain.
  • Finding your reason to fight through pain and depression.
  • How to accept your journey.
  • The art of gratitude.

Quotes from the show:

  • “We can strengthen our resilience.” @amberlylago
  • “I didn’t want to survive, I wanted to thrive.” @amberlylago
  • “We have to show up every day.” @amberlylago
  • “Acceptance doesn’t mean you are accepting defeat.” @amberlylago



How you can stay in touch with Amberly:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:

"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"




My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Nov 28, 2018

Have you ever felt like you can’t trust someone anymore?  Maybe you’ve been through some hurt and pain, whether with a significant other, a friend, or a loved one.  Is it possible to trust again? Is it necessary? In this episode we dive into the tough issue of honesty and trust and how they are so detrimental to our relationships as well as our own well-being.


Listen to the podcast HERE


Tara Rae Bradford is a publicity strategist and international keynote speaker who has not only lived through pain, but teaches on how to work on relationships, deal with conflict, and open up with others.  In this interview Tara discusses how we should or should not trust others, and how to protect ourselves in the process. From the negative effects of people pleasing to listening to our gut, we explore all types of topics in working through relationships.

Questions I asked:

  • Is trust number one in a relationship?
  • How do we avoid distrusting others in future relationships?
  • Do we learn to trust ourselves by listening to our gut?
  • How do we know if we should get out of a relationship?


Topics Discussed:

  • How to rebuild lost trust.
  • Moving on after trust is lost.
  • How to protect yourself and balance trust.
  • How to be more in tune with your gut.
  • How to continue to build trust.

Quotes from the show:

  • “We need to learn to trust ourselves again after a mistake.” @LindaMitchell
  • “There’s nothing wrong with vocalizing your needs.” @LindaMitchell
  • “Honesty is being your authentic self.” @LindaMitchell
  • “If you’re not going to do it, don’t say it.”  @TaraRaeBradford
  • “You have control over who you surround yourself with.” @TaraRaeBradford
  • “Trust your gut.” @TaraRaeBradford
  • “We have to listen to ourselves first.” @TaraRaeBradford

How you can stay in touch with Tara Rae:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Nov 7, 2018

What better person to take relationship advice from than a therapist! This week our special guest is Brooke Sprowl the founder of My LA Therapy.  Her specialties include depression, trauma, PTSD, as well as marriage and relationship issues among others. Brooke’s articles have been featured in Social Work Today, Martha Stewart Weddings and many more.  


Listen to the podcast HERE


Brooke believes in circular causality which in essence is the idea that your behavior is both the cause of another’s behavior as well as caused by another’s behavior.  She shares with us the importance of turning our viewpoint inward to see what areas in our own lives may need adjusting in a relationship rather that projecting all the negativity outward. This episode is perfect for those wanting to strengthen their relationships and be more present with those they love.

Questions I Asked:

  • Why do people have power struggles in relationships?
  • How is Narcissism, when mistaken as strength, ruining relationships?
  • How does a relationship work with the idea that I don’t need anyone else’s permission?

Topics Discussed:

  • Why men are often unavailable.
  • The importance of how you are communicating.
  • How to develop and share responsibility.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Take responsibility for what we are bringing to the table.” @mylatherapy
  • “The fights are never about the fights.” @mylatherapy
  • “We think our relationships are wrong if our needs are not always met.” @mylatherapy
  • There is no CEO in a relationship @mylatherapy

How you can stay in touch with Brooke:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"




My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Oct 30, 2018

In the midst of tragedy, it is difficult to understand the good that can come of it. We often hear stories of those who have endured unthinkable trials and have not only lived through them but found their purpose within them. How can we too learn from those who have risen above their circumstances when we are faced with our own adversity?

Listen to the podcast HERE


This week we are speaking with former marine gunner, Kirstie Ennis, who suffered intensive injuries including a leg amputation after her helicopter crashed. In this episode, we discuss how she not only overcame her obstacles but went on to create a non-profit organization, climb mountains, and become an adventure athlete. Kirstie truly believes in the philosophy that we have to be uncomfortable to grow and look for situations to push ourselves.  She encourages us to look at how far we’ve come rather than where we still have to go.

Questions I Asked:

  • Did you feel stripped of your identity?
  • What types of workouts do you perform to prepare for the mountains?
  • Did setting goals pull you through rehab?


Topics Discussed:

  • Coming back from a devastating tragedy.
  • Continuing when people tell you that you shouldn’t.
  • The importance of milestones and the journey.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Instead of what I lost I decided to look at what I gained.” @kirstieennis
  • “What’s right in front of me that can help me?” @kirstieennis
  • “Keep going after the big mountains.” @kirstieennis
  • “You have to be uncomfortable to grow.” @kirstieennis

How you can stay in touch with Kirstie:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:

"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!



Oct 25, 2018

Do you feel like someone is holding you back? Do you feel limited in your own potential? Today is a SOLO round!  I share with you my key takeaways from Lewis Howes’ conference the Summit of Greatness. Admittedly, I wasn’t sure I was going to attend due to my recent surgery, but am so glad that I did!  From the questions raised, to the speakers that spoke into me, and my own ponderings... we’ve got a packed episode!

Listen to the podcast HERE


It’s easy to blame others when things don’t happen. We think “if only” they supported me or gave me permission, I would be further along. However we might be the ones limiting ourselves. In this episode, I share with you about a revelation I had in regards to taking responsibility of my own life and not allowing anyone or anything keep me from my greatness.

Topics Discussed:

  • Why you don’t need a permission slip in life.
  • Moving forward when you feel someone is holding you back.
  • Taking responsibility to fulfill your purpose.

Quotes from the show:

  • “I am more than my body.” @LindaMitchell
  • “Do we wait on permission to be our authentic selves?” @LindaMitchell
  • “No one holds you back but you.” @LindaMitchell
  • “You don’t need someone’s permission.” @LindaMitchell


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"




My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!



Oct 3, 2018

Do you ever feel stuck? Maybe you feel stuck in a job you hate, a relationship that isn't going well, or a bad habit you can’t seem to control. We have all been there! While feeling stuck it is important to understand our brain’s role in the process and why being able to identify the triggers in our lives it vital to understanding what is truly holding us back.


Listen to Podcast Here


This week we are talking with Life Transformation Coach Lea Newman who is an expert in helping people get the voices in their heads to shut up so that they can start living their best life. Lea has worked with Tony Robbins and has spent hundreds of hours coaching clients get past limiting beliefs and get UNSTUCK! In this episode we dig into understanding how our flight or fight system works and how to identify dis-empowering thoughts so that we can overcome them. Lea brings incredible sight in today’s show that I know will help you move forward where you once believed you were stuck.

Questions I Asked Lea:

  • When can voices in your head be a good thing?
  • What are ways we can recognize the triggers in our lives?
  • What role does hormones play in being triggered?


Topics Discussed:

  • How to move out of your comfort zone.
  • The importance of self care and taking care of yourself.
  • The six human needs.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Participate in your own rescue.” @LeaNewman
  • “Show up for yourself.”@LeaNewman
  • Get on the other side of fear @LindaMitchell
  • “Stuck is a perception.” @LeaNewman

How you can stay in touch with Lea:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Life Transformation Coach Lea Newman helps people get the voices in their heads to shut up so that they can start living their best life. She holds numerous certifications and has coached for elite coaching teams. Unstuck Yourself contains the key to her clients getting unstuck and staying that way.  

Sep 26, 2018

How do we overcome the hidden fears that are holding us back? After experiencing pain or even a trauma, how can we rise above and step into the fullness of who we know that we are called to be? This week we are talking with master coach, Emmy award winner, and repeat Oprah guest, Rhonda Britten as she shares how she was able to overcome her own inner demons and create a life of fulfillment and service.

Listen to the podcast HERE

As a child, she watched her father murder her mother and then commit suicide. Rhonda then spent years trying to escape the hidden pain that was tucked deeply inside of her. It was only until she confronted the truth and embraced the reality of what happened to her that she was able to step into her greatness and help others do the same. This is a powerful episode for those who are ready to break free from their past and use their story to help others.

Rhonda’s Freebie: How to Get Over the Fear of Rejection


Questions I Asked:

  • What does it mean to live fearlessly?
  • How can we stop playing victim?
  • How can we release the shame we feel around our story?


Topics Discussed:

  • Uncovering hidden pain and facing trauma.
  • How to know when we are playing the victim.
  • How to overcome the fear of being authentic.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Embrace your story.” @RhondaBritten
  • “Fear is why we have regret.” @RhondaBritten
  • “We are all driven by our needs.” @RhondaBritten


How you can stay in touch with Rhonda:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!



Sep 18, 2018

Are you ready to be one tough mUther!? Working out, using our muscles, and looking good are very important things. However, mental fitness is something that is just as important, but often not talked enough about. As a single mom, taking care of four children, Karen Finocchio knows a thing or two about developing mental strength. Karen, the host of the wildly popular “One Tough Muther” podcast is helping women everywhere develop this same mental strength.

Listen to the podcast HERE

Many women face huge battles and feel alone. Karen is on a mission to unite women through the common bond of finding purpose through their real life stories. In this episode, we discuss the fears she faced during the hardest points of her life and how she overcame them. We also talked about how to take baby steps towards your goals, serving others in our work, and being in alignment with your purpose. Whether you are a single mom, dealing with an illness, or have a difficult past that is hard to mentally break free from, this episode will encourage you to dig deep and become a tough muther.

Questions I Asked Karen:
❏ What did you discover about yourself after you left your marriage?
❏ What was the catalyst that gave you the confidence to leave?
❏ Whatwasthemostlifechangingepisodethatyouhadonyourpodcast?
Topics Discussed:
❏ How to handle criticism and doubt from family and friends. ❏ How to own our calling and not second guess it.
❏ Howtofindsupportwhenyoufeelalone.
Quotes from the show:
❏ “You are treated the way you allow people to treat you.” @ OneToughMuther_ ❏ “There are times in your life when you need to level up.” @ OneToughMuther_ ❏ “There is always someone out there who will help you.” @ OneToughMuther_ ❏ “You have to learn to control your mind.” @ OneToughMuther_

How you can stay in touch with Karen:
❏ Website
❏ One Tough Mother Podcast
❏ One Tough Muther on Facebook ❏ One Tough Muther on Twitter

How you can stay in touch with Linda:
❏ Website
❏ Facebook ❏ Twitter
❏ Instagram ❏ Pinterest
❏ YouTube ❏ SoundCloud
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" ❏ Essential Formulas
My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!
❏ Have you checked out F our Sigmatic y et? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!

Aug 31, 2018

Does perfectionism control your life? Do you feel paralyzed by the fear of what others think about you? Is it difficult to start and finish tasks because you are worried that you will make a mistake? I think we all struggle with perfectionism to some degree. This week, we are talking with fitness professional and the author of The Perfection Detox , Petra Kolber

Listen to the podcast HERE

As an internationally renowned fitness expert, Petra completely understands the pressure that women face in this industry to “have it all together”. However, after struggling with cancer twice and dealing with severe anxiety, Petra was able to discover the power in being vulnerable and sharing with her audience about her weaknesses. In this episode we talk about how to connect better with others through authenticity, how to show up fully ourselves despite our own inner critic, and simple steps to finally beat this thing called perfectionism.

Questions I Asked Petra:
❏ How did having cancer affect your fitness career?
❏ Why do we feel like we should be perfect?
❏ What was your wake up call in regards to perfectionism?
Topics Discussed:
❏ How to overcome our negativity bias.
❏ How you deal with perfectionism in your life.
❏ How to recognize that we suffer from perfectionism
Quotes from the show:
❏ “The harshest judge that you will ever have is yourself.” @PetraKolber
❏ “Separate who you are from what you do.” @PetraKolber
❏ “We are much more alike in our struggles than in our successes.” @PetraKolber ❏ “Anything you don’t own will eventually own you.” @PetraKolber
❏ “Our feelings are the secret sauce.” @PetraKolber
How you can stay in touch with Petra: ❏ Website
❏ Buy her book ❏ Podcast
❏ Facebook
❏ Instagram
❏ Twitter
❏ LinkedIN

How you can stay in touch with Linda: ❏ Website
❏ Facebook ❏ Twitter
❏ Instagram ❏ Pinterest
❏ YouTube ❏ SoundCloud
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" ❏ Essential Formulas
My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!
❏ Have you checked out F our Sigmatic y et? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!

Aug 15, 2018

Creating Confidence and a Positive Environment
Does your environment support or take away from your confidence? Do you have friends who lift you up and fan the flame in your life? I believe it is so important to surround yourself with the right people. It can be the key between you succeeding and not. I am so passionate about this subject that I dedicated this full episode to discuss how to create confidence by building a positive environment.

Listen to the podcast HERE

We have had so many incredible guests on the Sisterhood of Sweat but these seven clips really stood out to me as the most powerful segments on the topic of confidence. Keep this quote in mind while you listen, “ Self confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself magic starts happening ”. Enjoy listening!

Experts From This Episode:
Kate Mckay 16:08-21:27 ( Listen to episode here )
Carol Elizabeth 7:11-18:04 ( Listen to Full Episode Here ) Anita A. Shah 14:52-24:14 ( Listen to episode here ) Sarah Pendrick 12:08-19:32 ( Listen to episode here ) Cathy savage 4:27-16:28 ( Listen to episode here )
Isaiah Hankel 11:41-14:27 ( Listen here )
Aimee Tariq ( Listen to episode here )
Topics Discussed:
❏ Why we deserve to have big dreams.
❏ How it is difficult to see changes when you are around negativity. ❏ When to completely remove yourself from a toxic relationship.
Quotes from the show:
❏ “I deserve a yummy relationship.” @ KateMckay

❏ “Getting myself around other people doing things, showed me that if they can do it, I can do it.”
@ CarolElizabeth

❏ “If you don't take care of yourself, it's going to affect all those around you." @ AnitaAShah

❏ “The power of lifting each other up is going to help you." @ SarahPendrick

❏ “I want people to take notice of your greatness.” @ CathySavage

❏ “By being around negative people you are less likely to be able to solve problems.”
@ IsaiahHankel

❏ “As you begin growing you'll start meeting people who will help you become that person." @ AimeeTariq
How you can stay in touch with Linda:

❏ Website
❏ Facebook ❏ Twitter
❏ Instagram ❏ Pinterest
❏ YouTube ❏ SoundCloud
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
❏ Essential Formulas
My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!
❏ Have you checked out F our Sigmatic y et? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!

Jul 6, 2018

How do we experience true health? Is there more to it than simply looking good? How can we learn to love ourselves for who we truly are? Aimee Tariq, a health optimization consultant, joins us today to share why she is so passionate about people discovering what TRUE health looks like.


Listen to the podcast HERE


In this interview, we discuss how to move past unhealthy relationships, why we should not fight negative feelings, and how we can move past the pain that is holding us back. How do you discover what true health of body, mind, and spirit look like? Aimee shares with us how in this powerful episode!


As mentioned in the podcast, one lucky winner will receive a free copy of the SWEAT journal! All you have to do is leave us a review on iTunes!

Questions I Asked Aimee:

  • Why do we deserve our own love and affection?
  • How do we use our emotions to get what we want?
  • What is the biggest step toward manifesting our dreams?

Topics Discussed:

  • Why we should never forget to play.
  • How to release pain.
  • How to create your own happy ending in five minutes or less.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Play keeps us alive.” @AimeeTariq
  • “Life is more than to do lists.” @AimeeTariq
  • “Allow yourself to feel.” @AimeeTariq
  • “Releasing anger and releasing pain is an everyday thing.” @AimeeTariq
  • “Give yourself love. Give yourself approval.” @Linda Mitchell
  • “Negative emotions can be helpful.” @AimeeTariq

How you can stay in touch with Aimee:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!

May 19, 2018

When you are going through a difficult time, it is common to search for answers. Maybe you look to a “higher power” and try to uncover what the truth means to you. That’s what happened to this week's guest Pamay Bassey as she vowed to visit a different place of worship every week for one year.

Listen to the podcast HERE

After losing her grandmother, father, and going through a painful breakup, Pamay took an unconventional route to explore spirituality. Over the course of 52 weeks she visited a wide variety of congregations ranging from Jehovah’s Witness to Wicca and traveling to places like Chicago to South Africa.


Her insight into spirituality and what she discovered about humanity will challenge you to take the time to discover what you believe and uncover your truth.


Questions I Asked Pamay:

  • What was the most surprising thing that you discovered on your journey to healing?
  • In what ways do people believe the same?
  • Was there anytime that you felt afraid?

Topics Discussed:

  • How she found healing through exploring these different religious practices.
  • The common thing that most people are seeking.
  • Her favorite spiritual customs that she adopted after her experiences.

Quotes from the show:

  • “There is always going to be fear of the unknown.” @LindaMitchell
  • “Everyone is looking for truth in some way.” @PamayBassey
  • “Most people are just trying to figure out how to make sense of life.” @PamayBassey
  • “Just ‘being’ is something that we all crave.” @PamayBassey
  • “The pursuit of truth is a commonality among people.” @PamayBassey


How you can stay in touch with Pamay Bassey:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"




My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


May 9, 2018

Forgiveness is hard. You have been wronged. Something may have been taken from you and you are left with hurt and possibly bitterness about the injustice. How do you overcome that? What is the process for truly forgiving someone? This is a difficult topic that we are tackling in this week’s episode with Sarah Montana.

Listen to the podcast HERE

As a young girl in her early twenties and only a few days before Christmas, Sarah Montana’s mother and brother were murdered in their home by a 17-year-old who broke into their house. Her incredible story challenges us to dig into the meaning of forgiveness and begin the process towards true healing.

If you have struggled to let something from your past go or release someone from built up bitterness this is a MUST listen. We talk about the healing process, the difference between anger and hatred, and how to reclaim and move on with your life after a tragedy.

Questions I Asked Sarah:
❏ How can we free ourselves from wanting revenge?

❏ How did you get to the place where you were able to forgive?

❏ How did you know you forgave him?

Topics Discussed:
❏ The process of forgiveness.

❏ The moment when she discovered that she did not know what forgiveness was.

❏ How we know if we are forgiving for the wrong reasons.

Quotes from the show:
❏ “By sharing my story that meant that I was in control of my story. My story was mine.”
❏ “Forgiveness and justice have an important relationship.” @SarahMontana
❏ You cannot forgive until you know exactly what happened to you.” @SarahMontana
❏ “Forgiveness is freedom.” @SarahMontana
❏ “Anger and hatred are not the same thing.” @SarahMontana
❏ “Your struggle is your strength.” @LindaMitchell
❏ “The more the world tries to write you off as a victim the more you want to prove that you are
more than that.” @SarahMontana
❏ “You can’t out run grief.” @SarahMontana
❏ “Forgiveness is about choosing yourself.” @SarahMontana

How you can stay in touch with Sarah:
❏ Website ❏ Facebook ❏ Instagram ❏ LinkedIn ❏ Twitter ❏ Medium
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
❏ Website
❏ Facebook ❏ Twitter
❏ Instagram ❏ Pinterest
❏ YouTube ❏ SoundCloud
"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"
❏ Essential Formulas

My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!
❏ Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Apr 19, 2018

I am excited to introduce to you our guest this week award winning director, writer, choreographer, and the executive producer of TEDx Lincoln Square, Tricia Brouk.


Listen to the podcast HERE


Tricia is a “performance expert” where she helps others tell their stories whether that is from a stage or the big screen. She believes that speaking is something that we all can learn. She has a passion for fusing together principles from the entertainment industry and tactics from public speaking to help speakers become more engaging and confident.


In this episode, we discuss how she got started in speaking and her journey in becoming a TEDx organizer. We explore several powerful topics including how to overcome failure, how to effectively look to others for inspiration, and her five tips on how to get started in speaking.


Tricia’s mission is to “nurture the the potential speaker” in you. She believes that we all have a message to give. This episode will empower you to use your authentic voice and confidently share your message.


Questions I Asked Tricia:

  • How do you know what is too much to share or not enough?
  • How do you overcome the fear of speaking?
  • How do you “get a feel” for the audience so that you know who you are speaking to?

Topics Discussed:

  • How you can overcome your nervousness
  • How to make a scripted speech sound conversational
  • How to handle critics


Quotes from the show:

  • “When you have an important message to share with the world, you must find a way to share it” @TriciaBrouk
  • “One person in the world can be potentially be changed if you share your story” @TriciaBrouk
  • “I see them walk onto the stage as one person, and walk off as another” @TriciaBrouk
  • “It’s not about you. It’s about the message.” @TriciaBrouk
  • “Don’t stand back in fear but step out into your greatness” @LindaMitchell
  • “It’s not just about what you are going to get it’s about what you want to give” @LindaMitchell
  • “Be who you are not who you think everyone else wants you to be.” @TriciaBrouk


How you can stay in touch with Tricia:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


Join the SWEAT Project Survivor Challenge

Click here to receive free access to Linda’s accountability group, free videos, and more!


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Mar 23, 2018

I am excited to introduce to you our guest this week, Tara Rae Bradford. Tara is the Founder of The Potentialista®, a boutique public relations agency that works with authors, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders to help them share their innovative ideas with a larger audience while also building a respected reputation as an expert.

Listen to the podcast HERE 


Tara shares her personal story about when she was at the top of her career and yet felt incomplete. As a lead nurse in a critical care unit, she heard countless people share their regret for not spending more time with the people that they loved and living a more fulfilled life. Within a few short years, she left that career and pursued her dream of helping others thrive and live to their fullest potential.

In this episode, we talk about having the courage to follow your passion and overcoming self-doubt. We explore the topic of imposter syndrome and identify its symptoms. I also share a personal vision that helped me overcome my own fear of the unknown.

This is a powerful episode for those who struggle feeling worthy of their calling and need to shift their mindsets to pursue greatness. We hope after listening you will be empowered to embark on your own adventure and pursue the things within you.


Questions I Asked Tara:

  • What are the symptoms of imposter syndrome?
  • How did you learn self-love?
  • What is the science behind Imposter Syndrome?

Topics Discussed:

  • The importance of “I am” statements.
  • How to ask for and accept help.
  • Stretching outside of your comfort zone.


Quotes from the show

  • “If you are going to go anywhere worth going you cannot go by yourself. You have to have the help of others” @LindaMitchell
  • “It’s all about mindset” @TaraRaeBradford
  • “A lot of times we believe that we don’t deserve what we want” @LindaMitchell
  • “When you are letting go of the past, it is normal to feel sad” @TaraRaeBradford


How you can stay in touch with Tara:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


Resources Mentioned


"Proud Sponsors  of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!



Feb 24, 2018

Melissa Smith

Founder & CEO Healthy Joyful Living

Melissa Smith is a Holistic Health Coach specializing in digestive distress and anxiety. A former corporate plane chaser, Melissa focuses on working with individuals who face IBS and anxiety, providing support across the daily challenges of balancing life, career, and health.  Melissa believes that self-love, forgiveness and freedom are the keys to finding your true joy. She is a certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education and Exercise Science and a Master’s degree in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.

Connect with Melissa on Social Media:



Connect with Linda on Social Media:




Four Sigmatic Coffee Discount Code 

We get real and raw in this interview. This was very hard for me and took me awhile to release but it has been healing in so many ways.

We talked about in this episode:

  • Anxiety and addiction.
  • How keeping secrets and hiding, keeps you stuck.
  • Physical and Sexual Abuse; shame, blame and healing.
  • How to stop having victim mentality.
  • Building self-worth and self-esteem.
  • Taking your power back.
  • Setting Intentions.
  • Empowerment



Nov 13, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Doreen Rainey loves to shake things up!

A dynamic, seasoned and no-nonsense personal and business coach and speaker, Doreen’s work of inspiring, educating and motivating others provides her clients a RADICAL approach to move beyond the ordinary and expected into the extraordinary.

With a calling to show people how to define success for themselves and get the guts to go after it, she focuses on sharing practical, implementable strategies, tools and processes to get you the results you want.

As Founder and CEO of the RADICAL Success Institute and the Vice President, Operations, Act Like A Success | A Steve Harvey Company, she is driven by a singular vision: to help people define success for themselves and have the guts to go after it. Through her work with Act Like A Success, live online courses, private coaching and mentoring and transformational live events, she teaches practical, implementable strategies.

A life-long learner, Doreen constantly engages in continuing education courses and programs to stay on top of the latest research, trends and information on success. She frequently interviews and talks with experts, thought leaders and industry insiders in a variety of fields to glean relevant, timely and practical insights to share with her clients and her community.

Doreen received her B.A. from Spelman College, an M.S. in Conflict Negotiation and Conflict Management from the University of Baltimore and her coaching certificate from The Coaches Training Institute.

What we talked about in this episode:

  • How the opportunity presented itself for Doreen to work with Steve Harvey.
  • How Doreen got  started into coaching and became "The Radical Success Coach".
  • Defining Success for yourself.
  • How what you believe about yourself is a big key to success.
  • The difference from a good idea or a God idea.
  • Small wins build confidence and momentum towards your biggest goals.
  • How important it is that we know our gifts to achieve true success.
  • How having a near death experience changed Doreen's life.
  • When reaching for goals, can we be standing in our own way or could others be holding us back?
  • When we fail our motto should be "So what, now what?" 
  • Steps people can take to build more confidence and belief in their abilities.
  • Ways we can empower ourselves in any situation.
  •  How important is "jumping" as Steve Harvey would say or taking a risk on a scale of 1-10 to achieving what you want?
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people to protect your dream.
  • Knowing your "Big Why' can fuel your dreams.
  • Supporting each other means bringing out each others greatness and living in a judgement free zone.
  • What I love about being a part of "The Act Like A Success' community.