Are you interested in a more natural way of living? Have you been worried about the quality of your food? In this episode I talk with Kim Rahir. Kim is a 60 year old mother of three who was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago and decided to ignore her then doctor's advice and muscle her way back to a happy life. This year she became European Champion in Masters Weightlifting in her age and weight category. Her journey inspired her to leave her career in journalism in her 50s and become a health coach for middle aged women - with a big focus on reactivating and rebuilding muscle. She helps women start strength training wherever they are at and get rid of diet culture conditioning to eat to nourish and flourish. We discuss weightlifting for women, and why it’s considered such a masculine thing. We also discuss the importance of building muscle and keeping yourself healthy and injury free.
Questions I asked:
· Can you tell us your story?
· What is your mission?
· Why muscle for women?
· How are muscle and health related?
· Why is it particularly important for women?
· What about running or Pilates?
· What can women do to start building muscle without getting hurt?
· How can we overcome the stereotypes of: muscle building is “pumping iron” and will make women bulky?
· Where can people find you?
Topics Discussed:
· Health.
· Natural foods.
· Immune issues.
· Weightlifting.
· The science behind aging.
· Higher energy levels.
· Healthy.
· Diet and Exercise.
Quotes from the show:
· “If you view food as your fuel, then everything will become easier.” Kim Rahir @SisterhoodSweat
· “You can hit your bodies calorie needs so easily with healthy fats.” Kim Rahir @SisterhoodSweat
· “It was a full MS releapse.” Kim Rahir @SisterhoodSweat
· “You train the body to recover.” Kim Rahir @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Kim:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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