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Tara Gesling is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practioner, Motivational Speaker, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Holistic Organic Gardening and Food Expert and Author of the #1 Best-‐selling, #1 Top Rated book “The 180 Degree Wellness Revolution; Simple Steps to Prevent and Reverse Illness.” Tara’s book has been on three of Amazon’s “Top 100” lists every day since it was published in October of 2014.
At the age of 28, Tara was disabled and found herself in a wheelchair with no hope for recovery. Diagnosed with a list of 20+ diagnosed illnesses that included; a neuro-‐muscular disease, late stage Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Autoimmune Thyroid disease/Hashimotos, Hypothyroidism, Fibromyalgia, Hypoglycemia, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Chronic Fatigue, Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBS, Headaches, Stage 3 Adrenal Exhaustion, Allergies, Heavy Metals…and more, she has now made it her personal mission to educate others about the power of plants, food, mindfulness and self-‐care to bring astonishing transformation and health back into one’s life.
Tara has been featured in articles, conferences, radio and tv such as:, Asilomar Corporate Conference Center, Institute For Integrative Nutrition, Inspired Health Magazine, Rising Women 2016, Perfectly Healthy and Toned Radio, WDCX 99.5FM NY, The Zest Lifestyle TV Show, SGK Emergency Preparedness Expos, Virginia Department of Health EMS Symposiums, Whole Foods, Pathways, Mindful Healthy Life, The Rebel Health Coach and more.
In this episode we discuss: