Are you interested in losing weight for good? Today, we dive into weight loss and the secrets to how to maintain it. In this episode, I talk with Sylvia Tara. Dr. Sylvia was driven to research fat, science, and lifestyle after she finally got "fed up" with eating less and exercising more than her slimmer friends throughout her life. Her experiences told her there was more to weight loss than just “calorie in, calorie out.” As a biochemist, she was driven to get to the bottom of fat’s mysteries and the reasons it vexes us. In her best-selling book, The Secret Life of Fat, she reveals the complex biology of fat, how it resists loss, and what to do to remove stubborn fat. Readers will learn that fat, surprisingly, uses many tricks to stay on us, and only if you understand those tricks can you beat fat at its own game. We discuss fat loss, and how to stop the weight loss game. She also shared the most surprising thing she found about fat, and why some people have a harder time losing weight. We also dive into why women have a harder time losing weight, and what it looks like to be fit but also have fat.

Questions I asked:
- How did you come up with the title of your book?
- How does fat protect your body?
- What is the most surprising thing you found out about fat?
- What are factors of weight loss?
- How do we workout for stubborn fat?
- What was your biggest struggle in weight loss?
- How did you overcome it?
- What about blood type diets?
- What do you think about elimination diets?
- How does weight loss change with age?
- What do you think of Keto?
- How does insulin help your body?
- Why does what we make to eat matter?
- Where can everyone get your book and reach you?

Topics Discussed:
- Losing weight
- Hormones
- Women's weight loss
- Lasting change in fitness.
- Medical reasons for weight loss.
- Dealing with fat
Quotes from the show:
- “Fat is very complex and functions like an organ” @SylviaTaraPhD @SisterhoodSweat
- “You can produce fat without eating at all. It depends on the body’s needs.” @SylviaTaraPhD @SisterhoodSweat
- “Fat can actually control your brain. It tells it everything is okay.” @SylviaTaraPhD @SisterhoodSweat
- “What you’re descended from matters a lot, it’s in your genes.” @SylviaTaraPhD @SisterhoodSweat
- “I learned to really watch everything in my body.” @SylviaTaraPhD @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Dr, Sylvia:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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