
SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.
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SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment










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Now displaying: 2017

Welcome to the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T where we will approach the difficult topics of life, have inspiring guests, and bring empowerment to all. This community is a place where we can be who we are instead of who others want us to be.

Dec 31, 2017

I so enjoyed having Dr. Lori Shemek on The Sisterhood of SWEAT podcast! She is so lovely to work with. I just loved talking with her and learning how to decrease FatFlammation.

Dr. Lori Shemek's books are "How to Fight FatFlammation" and "Fire Up Your Fat burn"

Twitter Instagram Facebook- @Dr. Lori Shemek

Lori Shemek, Ph.D. is a leading fat cell researcher, health expert, weight loss expert, keynote speaker and recognized authority on inflammation and its role in weight loss, preventing disease and optimizing health. Dr. Shemek is the bestselling author of ‘How To Fight FATflammation!’ (HarperCollins) and the bestselling author of “Fire-Up Your Fat Burn!’  


Dr. Lori Shemek, a health expert for the ABC TV show Good Morning Texas, has been featured on NBC The Doctors TV, CNN, NPR and Fox News, and in Dr. Oz’s Good Life Magazine, Health, Shape, Woman’s Day, Prevention, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, The Huffington Post and numerous others.


Dr. Shemek is known as “The Inflammation Terminator” She has made it her mission to help clients lose weight and educate the public on the toxic effects of certain foods and lifestyle choices and how they create inflammation in the body resulting in weight gain and poor health.

The Huffington Post has recognized Dr. Shemek twice as one of the Top Health and Fitness Experts alongside such names as Dr. Oz and David Zinczenko author of ‘Eat This, Not That’ and the Huffington Post has also recognized her as one of the Top Diet and Nutrition Experts.

Dr. Shemek holds a Doctorate in Psychology; she is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and a Certified Life Coach.

Keynote Speaker: U.S. Army – Ft. Sam Houston, Joel Osteen/Lakewood Church,  92Y Kaufmann Symphony Hall, Global Health Summit - 2013, 2014, 2015, Osteoporosis Society, Weekly Fitness Challenge - Multi-State Tour; Chicago School Districts including many others.

  • If you are overweight your fat cells are inflamed.
  • There are two types of inflammation: acute and silent.
  • Symptoms or indicators of silent or low-level inflammation.
  • When the mitochondria in your cells aren’t functioning optimally, your metabolism runs less efficiently.
  • Fat is your largest endocrine organ.
  • Supplementation that can decrease inflammation.
  • Foods that can help reduce inflammation.
  • Why not all calories are created equal and you don't need to count them.
  • Foods that can help reduce inflammation.
  • Eat fat to lose fat.
  • Hidden sugars in your favorite foods that you may think are healthy for example; wheat bread, wheat pasta, and yogurt.
  • Sugar is the #1 inflammatory food.
  • It is important to eliminate sugar to decrease inflammation in the body. 
  • Reducing excess carbohydrate intake can reduce inflammation.
  • Increasing veggies and leafy greens helps to increase your mitochondria and reverse cell inflammation.
  • When you eat healthy fats you are increasing Ghrelin (The hunger hormone) and increasing Leptin (Saiety hormone).
  • Some recent research shows that canola oil may be associated with alzheimer's disease.
  • Why it's important to eat grass fed beef, wild fish, and free range/pasture raised chicken. 
  • MCT oil and it's benefits.(Brain Octane from Bulletproof brand)
  • Over 40 you need to boost your metabolism effectively and you need to gain muscle mass.
  • HIT training and strength training is the ultimate cocktail for losing weight and maintaining muscle mass.
  • Adequate protein in your diet to maintain muscle mass is key.

Dr. Lori's books are "How to Fight FatFlammation" and "Fire Up Your Fat burn"

Dec 30, 2017

Click the link for Two Free Chapters to Isaiah's new book "The Science of Intelligent Success"

Isaiah Hankel received his doctorate in Anatomy & Cell Biology and is an expert on mental focus, behavioral psychology, and career development. His work has been featured in The Guardian, Fast Company, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Isaiah’s previous book, Black Hole

Focus, was published by Wiley & Sons and was selected as Business Book of the Month in the UK and became a business bestseller internationally.  Isaiah has delivered corporate presentations to over 20,000 people, including over 300 workshops and keynotes worldwide in the past 5 years.

Isaiah is the founder and CEO of Cheeky Scientist, a career training company that specializes in helping PhDs transition into corporate careers; he is also the director of Hankel Leadership. Through these ventures, Isaiah has consulted on career development, employee management, entrepreneurship, focus, and motivation at several Fortune 500 companies. He has been invited to speak at top institutions including Harvard Medical School, Stanford University, Vanderbilt University, University of Chicago, University of Oxford England, the Marie Curie Institute France, and the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Isaiah grew up working on a sheep farm in the Pacific Northwest of the US before going on to get his doctorate. After receiving his doctorate, Isaiah started and successfully exited several other technology-based companies, and then went on to be formally trained in the fields of behavioral economics, behavior psychology, and online marketing. Isaiah’s blue-collar background, white-collar corporate training, and academic credentials allow him to work with a wide range of organizations and connect meaningfully with all types of individuals and institutions.

  • How a wake-up call makes you quickly re-define your life and what actually matters in your life.
  • Defining real success for yourself
  • The distinction between fake and intelligent achievement and how clarity is key.
  • Fake Success is built on a shaky foundation. If you life gets rocked a little bit it falls away.
  • In Real Success you are doing things for the right reasons which puts you more in touch with who you really are.
  • Keeping up with someone else's goals is an example following after fake success.
  • We can be influenced by the goals of others that we surround ourselves with. 
  • It is important to align your goals with who you really are and your true identity.
  • Mental Energy is your most valuable asset, not time, money, or relationships.
  • The Science of dealing with negative and manipulative people.
  • How to understand and identify manipulators in our life.
  • Strategies to keep yourself from distractions and unwanted drama.
  • The Science behind why engaging with negative energy takes your performance levels.
  • Why and how we can set better boundaries 
  • Why you should say always say no first.
  • Why 50 % of your relationships may be fake.
  • How to identify the people that are holding us back in our life and surround ourselves with those who support us.
  • Why its important to set aside time by yourself during your peak mental energy hours.
  • How to fight for, protect, and surround yourself with good mental energy.
  • How and Why you may need to take a relationship fast.
  • When confused about the people you surround yourself with, step away for a bit so you can see your relationships more clearly.
  • Communication and taking responsibility is key in developing good relationships.
  • Sometimes you just need to take a brief time-out when it comes to relationships.
  • Why its so important to seperate yourself from those who drain your mental energy.
  • The positive people generally don't come into your life until the negative ones are gone.
  • Why you should eliminate the people who undermine, constantly cut you down, and ultimately drain your energy.
  • How to take a two-step gut check.
  • How to create a power network.
  • How being with people that give you energy actually help you to create more and be more productive in your life
  • Good competitive energy actually may sharpen you to do better and be better.
  • Why you don't always want to be the smartest person in the room.
  • Why your life is your fault.
  • How to lose the victim mentality.
  • You don't control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it.
Dec 26, 2017


Ross Pelton is the Natural Pharmacist. He received his BS degree in pharmacy from the U. of Wisconsin.  He also has a Ph.D. in psychology and is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN). In October 1999, Ross was named as one to the Top 50 Most Influential Pharmacists in America by American Druggist magazine for his work in natural medicine. He is the author of ten books and numerous online health seminars. Ross is currently the Scientific Director for Essential Formulas. The link to his blog and personal WEB site is:

What we discussed in this episode:

  • Dr. Ross discusses his recommendation for daily supplements. 
  • The liver is the organ of detoxification
  • Telomeres protect your chromozones and DNA.
  • Telomere length represents our biological age as opposed to our chronological age.
  • The higher your glutathione levels the slower the shortening of your telomeres.
  • Elevating glutathione levels is great for anti-aging and detoxification.
  • The supplement of RegActiv helps to elevate glutithione and detoxify the liver..
  • Your diet is critical to your health.
  • Know what your eating. Is it loaded with GMO's? 
  • Make sure your meat is pasture raised and pasture finished, otherwise you may be eating meat that has GMO's, because they were fed corn at the end. Eighty eight percent of our corn is genetically modified.
  • Dr. Ross recommended reading "The Plant Paradox'
  • If you have bodyfat, you can count on the fact that you have  inflammation.
  • The number one thing for healthy aging is maintaining your muscle mass to prevent sarcopenia. 
  • Reduce inflammation with Omega 3's, increasing your muscle mass,
  • A vitamin D defienciency can upset your sleep cycle
  • Test your fasting blood sugar to know where you fall individually on with your blood sugar levels. Test your blood sugar also to test your reaction to various carbohydrates.
  • Gerson Therapies for cancer and accelerating detoxification.
  • Tips to stay healthy and why you should cut out sugar at the holidays.


Dec 8, 2017

Andrea Beaman is a Natural Foods Chef, health educator, thyroid expert, holistic health coach and herbalist, dedicated to alternative healing, and sustainable eating and living.


Andrea was a featured contestant on Bravo’s Top Chef. She is a regularly featured expert on CBS News, and hosted the Award Nominated, Fed UP! A cooking show that educates viewers how to cook for, and cure, their bodily ailments.      


Andrea is recognized as one of the top 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness, received the Award For Excellence in Health Supportive Food Education from the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Health, as well the Health Leadership Award from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.


As a keynote speaker and teacher, Andrea inspires audiences to take action on their health. She teaches engaging cooking demos and health programs to students and clients through live conferences, schools, and online programs, reaching vast audiences around the world.   

Andrea is the author of The Whole Truth – How I Naturally Reclaimed My Health, and You Can Too! and The Eating and Recipe Guide – Better Food, Better Health, and Health is Wealth – Make a Delicious Investment in You! And, Happy Healthy Thyroid The Essential 

  • Why my Las Vegas Uber driver should be a health coach
  • How to experience the holidays the same without an overdose of sugar.
  • Nourish your soul with connecting with others.
  • Engage your senses with the scents of the holiday.
  • Your sense of smell is connected to your memory.
  • Fill yourself up with all of the wonderful experiences of the holidays.
  • In the fast-food lane you don't know what your getting.
  • Nobody needs a crap sandwich. 
  • Cook your food at home so you know what your getting.
  • Great wintertime workouts
  • Medicinal aspects of alcohol.
  • Types of alcohol to have at special occasions.
  • Why casinos don't have windows.
  • My experience with Dr.Fred Pescatore's detox. The A-List Diet
  • Andrea's take on the importance fasting and detoxing that has been done for centuries.


Nov 13, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Doreen Rainey loves to shake things up!

A dynamic, seasoned and no-nonsense personal and business coach and speaker, Doreen’s work of inspiring, educating and motivating others provides her clients a RADICAL approach to move beyond the ordinary and expected into the extraordinary.

With a calling to show people how to define success for themselves and get the guts to go after it, she focuses on sharing practical, implementable strategies, tools and processes to get you the results you want.

As Founder and CEO of the RADICAL Success Institute and the Vice President, Operations, Act Like A Success | A Steve Harvey Company, she is driven by a singular vision: to help people define success for themselves and have the guts to go after it. Through her work with Act Like A Success, live online courses, private coaching and mentoring and transformational live events, she teaches practical, implementable strategies.

A life-long learner, Doreen constantly engages in continuing education courses and programs to stay on top of the latest research, trends and information on success. She frequently interviews and talks with experts, thought leaders and industry insiders in a variety of fields to glean relevant, timely and practical insights to share with her clients and her community.

Doreen received her B.A. from Spelman College, an M.S. in Conflict Negotiation and Conflict Management from the University of Baltimore and her coaching certificate from The Coaches Training Institute.

What we talked about in this episode:

  • How the opportunity presented itself for Doreen to work with Steve Harvey.
  • How Doreen got  started into coaching and became "The Radical Success Coach".
  • Defining Success for yourself.
  • How what you believe about yourself is a big key to success.
  • The difference from a good idea or a God idea.
  • Small wins build confidence and momentum towards your biggest goals.
  • How important it is that we know our gifts to achieve true success.
  • How having a near death experience changed Doreen's life.
  • When reaching for goals, can we be standing in our own way or could others be holding us back?
  • When we fail our motto should be "So what, now what?" 
  • Steps people can take to build more confidence and belief in their abilities.
  • Ways we can empower ourselves in any situation.
  •  How important is "jumping" as Steve Harvey would say or taking a risk on a scale of 1-10 to achieving what you want?
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people to protect your dream.
  • Knowing your "Big Why' can fuel your dreams.
  • Supporting each other means bringing out each others greatness and living in a judgement free zone.
  • What I love about being a part of "The Act Like A Success' community.


Nov 12, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Ross Pelton, R.Ph., Ph.D., CNN, graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1966 with a degree in pharmacy and in 1984 he received his Ph.D. in Psychology and Holistic Health from the University for Humanistic Studies in San Diego, California.  He is also a Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN) through the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN). Ross is currently the Scientific Director for Essential Formulas based in Dallas, TX.


Ross has written two books drug-induced nutrient depletions an is the world’s leading authority on this topic. In October 1999, Ross was named as one to the Top 50 Most Influential Pharmacists in America by American Druggist magazine for his work in natural medicine. From 1988 to 1994, Ross was the Hospital Administrator at Hospital Santa Monica in Baja, Mexico, which specialized in alternative, non-toxic cancer therapies.


Ross is the author of ten books:

  • Mind Food & Smart Pills (Doubleday, 1988)
  • Alternatives in Cancer Therapy (Simon & Schuster, 1994)
  • How To Prevent Breast Cancer (Simon & Schuster, 1995)
  • The Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook (Lexi-Comp, 1999)
  • The Nutritional Cost of Prescription Drugs (Morton Publishing, 2000)
  • The Natural Therapeutics Pocket Guide (Lexi-Comp, 2000)
  • The Nutritional Cost of Drugs, 2nd Edition (Lexi-Comp, 2001)
  • Natural Therapies to Prevent and Treat Swine Flu (eBook 2010)
  • Let’s Have Healthy Kids (eBook 2010)
  • The Pill Problem (2013)

Ross’ online educational seminars include:

  • Natural Therapies for Depression & Anxiety
  • Natural Therapies for ADD & ADHD
  • Natural Therapies to Lower Cholesterol & Reduce Cardiovascular Risks

 What we talked about in this episode:

  • Natural alternatives for depression.
  • Natural alternatives for anxiety.
  • L-Theanine is effective at calming anxiety and helping with sleep troubles that can come when you have an overactive mind.
  • The importance of good quality sleep.
  • Natural nutritional therapies for depression.
  • Oral contraceptives deplete more nutrients from women's body than any other commonly prescribed drug.
  • Benefits of yoga for health and stress relief.
  • The number #1 thing for healthy aging is maintaining your muscle mass.
  • Exercise is a positive addiction.
  • Dr. Ross recommended this book- "Biomarkers" 10 determinants of aging you can control by William Evans and Irwin Rosenburg.
  • Microbiome's importance to health
  • The best probiotic to take and why. 
  • Studies that show Dr. Ohhiras probiotics plus creating better endurance, increased hemoglobin, and faster recovery from exercise.
  • The best way to make a quick salad. Check out Ross Pelton's video on YOU TUBE "Salad Buzz".


Nov 6, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Lisa Lewtan is a Health & Lifestyle Coach, the founder of Healthy, Happy, and Hip, an award-winning author, and one of the hosts of Healthy View Raidio Radio on (named after her book). Using the skills she developed as a successful technology entrepreneur, Lisa self-hacked her own mind and body to restore her health and then go on to feel better than ever. With private coaching, online courses, workshops, and retreats, Lisa helps highly successful hungry go-getters to slow down, chill-out, develop a better relationship with food and stress, look good, and feel great.  To learn more - visit

What we talked about in this episode:

  • How Lisa's radio career just started with saying yes to what she was excited about.
  • Listening to what lights you up inside and acting on it.
  • How Lisa got her start into health coaching.
  • The Perfect Day scenario.
  • We just don't dream big enough.
  • Take the first step in faith and watch your greatest dreams unfold.
  • Jumping out of your comfort zone.
  • We can all rise together.
  • Find your own empowering space.
  • Your light shining does not diminish mine.
  • How building online courses help your business evolve.
  • How to get Abs of STEEL.
  • The pineapple story.


Oct 23, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is
Dr. Beth Brombosz is an author, copy writer, and content creator, and is the host of the Blogger to Author Podcast. In 2015 she took some of her posts from her fitness blog and turned them into a book. That book has helped Beth build her expert status and has opened many doors for her business. She's passionate about showing fellow bloggers how simple it is to turn their blog posts into a book so they can build authority and credibility in their niche, share their passion with the world, and earn more money, too.
Social media handles:
Twitter: @bloggertoauthor
Instagram: @sublimelyfit

What we talked about on this episode:

  • Tips for choosing a topic for the book.
  • Why is it so important to create your reader avatar and know your audience.
  • How getting caught up in perfectionism can be a roadblock to writing.
  • Why it isn't necessary to be perfect or an expert when writing a book.
  • Organizing,writing and deciding upon content.
  • Why is it important to have a deadline for your book.
  • How to engage more readers.
  • When and where to test our book ideas.
  • How to create products that tie into our book.
  • Great Pre-sale or Pre-launch ideas.
  • Great ways we can monetize our books.
  • Ideas on how to get a book signing. 
  • Creative things you can do at your book signing to get people engaged.


Oct 13, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

This is a great episode LIVE with Doctor Fred Pescatore.New York Times Best-Selling author most recognized for his books The A-List Diet and The Hamptons Diet 

Fred Pescatore, MD, is a traditionally trained physician practicing nutritional medicine in Manhattan. He is the author of several books, including the New York Times best seller The Hamptons Diet and the No. 1 best-selling children’s health book Feed Your Kids Well. Prior to opening his own practice, Dr. Pescatore worked closely with the late, great Dr. Robert C. Atkins, as the Associate Medical Director of the Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine.

“Dr. Fred” is internationally recognized as a health, nutrition, and weight loss expert. He is president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists and a member of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, and belongs to many other professional organizations.

He is a regular contributor to In Touch, US Weekly, First for Women, and Women’s World magazines. Major network television shows like Extra, The View, Rachael Ray, and Today have sought out Dr. Pescatore for his expert health advice. His practice has become a haven for the rich and famous, drawing a roster of clientele that reads like a “Who’s Who” of Hollywood’s elite.


On this episode of the "The sisterhood of SWEAT Podcast" we talked about

  • What type of dieter are you?
  • Why the same diet doesn't work for everyone.
  • Starving yourself doesn't work long-term.
  • Slow down the aging process from within.
  • Create a environment for yourself that makes being healthier simple.
  • Exercise - first find five minutes then make it 10 minutes
  • Get the sugar out.
  • Fruit and yogurt are not the answer to weight loss for peri-menopausal women.
  • Ways to get enough Vitamin D.
  • Listen to your body.
  • Balancing hormones and the Bio-identical route.
  • Gut health, yeast, leaky gut, and probiotics.
  • Sitting is the new disease.
  • Why you don't need to count calories.
  • Dairy and your diet.
  • The difference between Grass-Fed Beef and regular Beef.
  • Protein structure of meat versus vegan or vegetarian alternatives.
  • The best alternatives for alcohol.
  • Tips for managing menopause and HRT.
  • Tips for males going through Andropause.
  • Getting A-Listers in shape quickly.
  • Dr. Fred's special A-List Detox
  • Skinny shaming and fat shaming.
  • Healthy tips for eating out.
  • How to feed your children.

Follow Dr. Fred Pescatore on Social media

Instagram- The official A-List Diet 

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram- Dr. Fred Pescatore 





Oct 8, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Susan Irby, CFH, CFNS, Author, Public Speaker, Award-winning network television host and radio personality


“Living a healthy lifestyle requires courage, focus, persistence, and motivation.  Your diet and lifestyle goals matter.” – Susan Irby


Certified in Food Healing and Fitness Nutrition, Susan Irby is one of the nation’s foremost experts in plant-based nutrition and food as healing.  An accomplished author, public speaker and media personality, Susan holds a particular expertise in the areas of individualized nutrition programs and recipe development.  Her 17+ years in the culinary industry, the past 14 in healing foods, spiritual wellness and active lifestyles, have earned Susan recognition as the leading healing plant-based and specialized nutrition lifestyle expert empowering others to better understand their personal health needs and empower them to enjoy lasting lifestyle change through her trademark 3-prong approach to mindful healing, health and an active lifestyle.  


“Food is the ultimate nourishment and healing for the body.  Remember, what you eat and drink matters.” ~ Susan Irby, CFH


Susan is author of 9 books on wellness that include over 2,500 recipes collectively.  Her 6-week Food Healing Nutrition Program, in conjunction with Ward Bond, PhD, has proven success among both celebrities and non-celebrities and led to the development of her customized 6-week Food Healing Kitchen Makeover program. While not a vegan herself, Susan’s food healing programs and education supports the plant-based diet approach that many of her clients adhere to. 


Included in her published works are: Substitute Yourself Skinny, ranked twice by in the Top 10 Best Diet Books and Amazon quinoa recipe top sellers, The Complete Idiot’s Guide Quinoa Cookbook. Susan’s work as a freelance wellness and nutrition author can be seen monthly in Max Sports and Nutrition of which Susan has been a contributor for over 6 years.  Other freelance works have been featured in prestigious media outlets such as FIRST for Women, Self, The New York Post, and numerous other media outlets both in the USA and internationally acclaimed outlets such as The Mail on Sunday and BBC Radio.  She is the award-winning host of The Bikini Lifestyles® Show which was twice awarded “Best Health and Fitness Television Program” by The TASTE Awards and also aired as a weekly radio program for 5 years on 790 KABC Los Angeles. 


Internationally recognized as leader in the “food as healing” approach to a plant-directed healthier lifestyle, Susan has worked with noted schools, colleges, professionals, families and national grocery markets to share how to transform their lives through spiritual wellness, a highly plant-based diet and an active lifestyle.  Among them, Los Angeles Unified School District, Cooking Up Change, American Federation of Teachers, Women Chefs and Restaurateurs, grocers such as Whole Foods, Gelson’s and Dole Foods.  Susan has made appearances on FOX11 Good Day LA, ABC7, CBS2, KCAL9, NBC, and numerous syndicated radio shows, international conferences, national magazines, newspapers, and websites. 

An award-winning television and radio host, Susan has interviewed culinary and fitness icons and celebrities such as Venus Williams, Billy Bush, Wolfgang Puck, Giada De Laurentiis, Sara Moulton, Chef Art Smith, Gene Simmons, Bill Engvall, Duff Goldman, Barbara Fairchild, Nancy Silverton, Olympic Gold Medalist and LA Sparks' DeLisha Milton Jones, Cincinnati Bengals' Coach Chip Morton, Cincinnati Reds Coach Matt Krause, reality TV star Lisa Vanderpump, teen star Reed Alexander, and more culinary, fitness and celebrity stars. 

Susan holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Georgia, is Certified in Food Healing, and is a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.  She originally developed her culinary skills by working with master chefs in Italy and France.  Susan is the creator of and driving force behind the successful brand, The Bikini Chef® which promotes food that heal through “figure flattering flavors”.  She is the creator, producer and host of The Bikini Lifestyles® Show and Healing Remedies and Recipes.  Extensions of her brands include Bikini Cuisine®, and Bikini Cuisine Power Snax®.

What we talked about in this episode:

  1. Getting in shape without a gym membership.
  2. Step up your workouts and set intention.
  3. 52 year old Susan says eating right is 90% of your results.
  4. You can't exercise away a poor diet.
  5. Don't take your health for granted.
  6. Put the best fuel possible into your body.
  7. When it comes to your health; you pay now by buying. healthier foods  or you pay later with hefty medical bills.
  8. Good healthy food can be like medicine.
  9. Healthier ways to cook your favorites.
  10. Re-train your taste buds to appreciate the natural flavors of non-processed foods.
  11. Great healthy snack substitutions for junk food cravings.
  12. The more sugar you eat the more sugar you want.
  13. Carbs are not the enemy. 
  14. Your PFF'S are your BFF'S.  PFF'S are Lean Protein, Fiber, Good Fats. Your BFF'S stand for Best Friends Forever.
  15. Potato chips are not a high fiber food.
  16. 7 stalks of celery a day help to lower your blood pressure.
  17. You can eat your water instead of drinking it.
  18. What healthy fats actually are.
  19. The types of nuts that are best.
  20. Good Fats keep you saitiated and your blood sugar from dropping, thus creating less cravings.
  21. How Susan got her name 'The Bikini Chef"
  22. What season of life are you in? Menopause, Perimenopause or 20's or 30's.
  23. Your body needs 'REAL" Food.
  24. Pre and Post Biotic foods for a healthier gut.
  25. Tips for building healthy bones.
  26. Exercise for vitality. Move it or lose it.
  27. Why Susan doesn't count calories.
  28. Put good gas in your car. Your body is your car, food is your fuel.

My recipe from The Sisterhood of SWEAT

Pumpkin Spice Latte – 
You no longer have to stand at the coffee window and drool. Now, you can make your own healthy
pumpkin spice latte!
2 cups coconut milk (unsweetened)
2 cups black organic coffee or 2 shots espresso
Stevia or coconut palm sugar (sweeten to your taste)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon ginger
¼ teaspoon cloves
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
1½ teaspoon pure vanilla
½ cup cooked pumpkin
1. In a medium saucepan on medium-low heat, mix together the spices, pumpkin, and coconut milk.
2. Stir to keep it from sticking until pumpkin milk is steamy.
3. I like to send my hot milk mixture through the blender to make it nice and frothy.
4. Pour your hot coffee into your pumpkin spice mixture.
5. Stir and serve.

Oct 6, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Patrice Washington, “America’s Money Maven”

Patrice Washington is a nationally recognized best-selling author, featured columnist, television commentator, transformational speaker, spokesperson, radio host and leading authority on personal finance, entrepreneurship and success for women and youth.

A licensed real estate professional by her sophomore year in college and a real estate and mortgage broker at 21 years old, Patrice took her boutique brokerage from the dining room of her 700-square foot condo to a 7-figure real estate empire by just 25. After losing her fortune in the Great Recession, she dedicated her life to not just rebuilding and reinventing her own life, but helping the masses move from debt management to money mastery.

Nationally known as “America’s Money Maven”, Patrice has had tremendous success with her “money mindset” approach to personal finance. Her teachings go beyond coupon cutting, budgeting, and credit repair, and focus on shifting mindset, earning more, and living your purpose. Patrice is committed to redefining the term “wealth”, encouraging women to have “wealth” in all aspects of their lives by pursuing their dreams, being fulfilled, and earning more without ever chasing money.

She has built a thriving community of engaged women committed to taking their personal finances, careers, and lives to the next level, and continues to invest in women worldwide through her work.

Today, Patrice’s wisdom on money matters has been tapped as a recurring voice by national brands such as NBC, FOX News, Black Enterprise, The Huffington Post, Essence Magazine and more. She’s been profiled by The New York Post, SUCCESS Magazine and Women of Wealth Magazine and is most known as the personal finance voice of the top-rated and nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Radio Show where she hosts her own weekly segment, Real Money Answers with Patrice Washington. Additionally, she is the consulting producer for Steve Harvey's FUNDERDOME, from Mark Burnett, a top-rated, seed-funding competition reality series where two budding entrepreneurs go head-to-head to win over a live studio audience to fund their ideas, products or companies. Each year she electrifies tens of thousands as a sought-after speaker from colleges to churches and conferences nationally and has shared the stage with renowned speakers such as Lisa Nichols, Laila Ali, Paul C. Brunson and Steve Harvey. Most recently, Patrice appeared on Centric TV’s, The Round, delivering a dynamic and empowering talk on success.

Besides professional achievements such as receiving the Outstanding Georgia Citizen Award at the State Capitol and an Honorary Kentucky Colonel recognition, Patrice believes her greatest accomplishment is marrying her college sweetheart, Gerald Washington and raising their energetic daughter, Reagan.

Learn more about Patrice at:

What we talked about on this episode:

1. Don't turn your nose up at free knowledge.

2. The conversation around money is so much deeper than material possessions.

3. Don't chase after money, people, or things, what is yours will come to you.

4. How almost losing everything caused Patrice to "Redefine Wealth".

5. How Patrice's persistence paid off and landed her a job as an intern on the Steve Harvey Show.

6. When you fall hard, you have to give yourself permission to get back up.

7. You may have lost all your money but your mind isn't bad.

8. Many of us may be feeling the who am I to do this syndrome when we are realizing our purpose.

9. If your always sitting back hiding your not going to be able to help the people that truly need to hear what they could only hear from you; from your voice, from who you are, and who God created you to be.

10. Push past fear, do it afraid.

11. Everyone feels afraid when doing something out of their comfort zone.  You have to step past the fear and "JUMP" just like Steve Harvey says.

12. Know your worth, invest in yourself.


13. Do the work and success will come.

14. What good is money without your health?

15. Good health is a key to wealth. 

Sep 29, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Diana Howes is otherwise known as Mama Howes. Diana is the creator of "Profit On The Books Today" where she calls herself the Chief Inspiration Officer. An important part of her mission is inspiring people to take action on what's important to them. With over 35 years of experience in the insurance and investment industry she is well qualified to give entrepreneurs helpful advice to avoid common costly mistakes.

 She is also a amazing parent who has raised 4 equally brilliant children. Find out what her Secret Sauce and the ingredients she recommends; all the way from raising amazing children to creating a profitable business and life you love.

I truly learned so much from my conversation with Diana. I hope you enjoy this interview and gain from her wisdom as, much as I did.


What we talked about in this episode:

  • It's important to be financially fit
  • Learn how to ask for money.
  • Delegation is key to any successful business.
  • You can only delegate what you can afford to delegate.
  • Focus on what generates income so you can afford to delegate.
  • Learn how to ask for help
  • Business owners should focus on what they do best,
    whether that is promoting their services or performing their services.
  • When making decisions its important to let go of emotions so logic and rational thought can come through.
  • When making tough decisions decide what you are committed to.
  • How to let go of dis-empowering conversations and step into more empowering conversations.
  • You are a product of your environment.
  • If you want to be a successful entrepreneur hang out with other successful entrepreneurs.
  • As parents we always did our best to provide the environments for our children to learn and grow.
  • A smile is your best accessory.


Sep 25, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Coined as the "Indian Jane Fonda," Sarina Jain is the creator of the original Masala Bhangra® DVD series.  An AFAA® certified fitness instructor for over 24 years, she teaches classes ranging from step aerobics, total body conditioning, and many more.  She successfully moves, touches and inspires many people around the world with her knowledge and passion for Bhangra and Bollywood.  Recognized as a global game changer, Sarina has over 15 workout videos under her belt with Masala Bhangra® classes offered in over 20 countries around the world.

Although India’s glitzy Bollywood films have featured Bhangra and other folk-dances and music for quite some time, it took a vivacious, young Indian-American fitness instructor to devise the concept of choreographing Bhangra along with modern, funky dance moves to appeal to the American exercise industry. In the process, Jain has impacted the entire fitness industry, and has been heralded in the press throughout the U.S. and around the world.

Jain introduced her Bhangra/Bollywood-style fitness routine to the U.S. with her first workout tape in 1999, and has since directed and produced a total of twelve high-intensity, easy to follow workouts in her Masala Bhangra® DVD series.  Born in California, she started leading fitness classes at a very young age, and has been a certified fitness instructor for 23 years. She completed studies in marketing and public relations in Los Angeles, before founding her company, Masala Dance & Fitness, Inc. in 1999. She soon relocated to New York where she successfully cultivated a larger audience for her cross-cultural fitness ideas. In 2010, Jain was the new face for Nestle Fitness throughout Latin America, where 2.6 million cereal boxes include her “Masala Bhangra® Bollywood Style” DVD.

Jain proudly embraces her Indian heritage, and is an active member of the Indian-American community. “I lost my father to a massive cardiac arrest at the age of 47, my Mom was 40 years old.  After this tragic accident, I just had to do something about this and inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and be the first to bring Indian dance to the fitness industry at a global level. People fall in love with the beat of Bhangra,” Jain says, “the music combined with its sensuous, vigorous movements recreates the excitement that an occasion is being celebrated. People have so much fun; they don’t realize they are getting an awesome cardiovascular and muscle-strengthening workout. Bringing Masala Bhangra® to people all over the world is so gratifying—I am absolutely living my dream.”

After losing her father to a massive cardiac arrest at the age of 47, she was inspired to bring Indian dance to the fitness industry at a global level.  The loss of her father is what started this entire journey!

What we talked about during this episode:

  • Bollywood Dance Beat is addictive.
  • You've got to get up and move and make fitness a habit.
  • Sarina created Masala Bhangra out of the tragedy of losing her father.
  • The crazier your idea seems the more you should do it.
  • Do things that make you feeling happy in your body.
  • How Sarina turned her tragedy into triumph
  • Sarina was the first to bring Indian dance to the fitness community on a global level.
  • How she got her message out there despite her critics.
  • You can't hold on to hate, anger, and bitterness when your happy and at peace.
  • Yoga is what you bring to it.
  • Masala Bhanga is the Yin to Yoga's Yang. 
  • When you put yourself out there your going to face some scrutiny.
  • Some form of opposition generally comes when your moving ahead.
  • Don't keep the best things to yourself, they are better when shared.
  • You've got to really want something to go get it, in other words have a strong why.
  • If you want the results you've got to work for it.
  • Go after what you want. 
  • Stop wishing, start working.
  • Why Sarina Jain is called the Indian Jane Fonda.
  • Masala Bangra is more then dance, it's a movement that builds confidence and empowers women.
  • Why investing in yourself is so important.
  • Give and take make for great relationships.
  • Working out while pregnant.
  • Be True to you.
  • create your vision.

Sarina Jain 
Founder of Masala Dance & Fitness Inc.

Sep 17, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Cathy is an internationally recognized fitness and figure coach and entrepreneur who is located in Boston. She has been featured on MTV, ABC News and Fox News and she is currently a member of the prestigious Advisory panel and contributor for Oxygen Magazine and Strong Magazine. Since the early 1990s, Cathy has been the pioneer in successful competition coaching for aspiring athletes from all over the world. Cathy coaches women and men, with sport specific training, nutrition, stage presentation, marketing and branding and careers in the fitness world.

Cathy’s online nutrition and training program is the first and most prominent all inclusive global training program of its kind. Her company is known for transforming the physiques of both athletes and people who simply want to look like they compete, with a natural, non-extreme approach, no matter where they live! Cathy has coached and mentored celebrities, athletes, television personalities for lifestyle changes and business strategies as well. Her clients span the globe from the US, to Australia, Asia, and Europe and throughout North America.

What we talked about in this episode:

  • Every great coach has an original though process that makes them unique.
  • Drop the pencil walk.
  • Don't be a pineapple.
  • How to deal with your haters.
  • How to unhook from what people think of you.
  • The story you tell yourself may be whats holding you back.
  • Coaching the GREATS: Lori Harder, Alicia Marie, Lindsey Messina, Stacie Venagro, Angela Gargano ETC.
  • Time blocking with Barbara Cochran.
  • Take time to charge your engine.
  • Work on your business not in your business.
  • Teach others how to do what you do.
  • How to raise people up.
  • What true success looks like.
  • Together we all win.
  • What builds a legacy.
  • When someone double crosses you, something better is waiting for you.
  • Every person that comes in your life is a teacher.
  • Love all over the good and love all over the bad.
  • Everyone should be a SAVAGE GIRL!


Sep 13, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Tamilee Webb, MA is America’s Most Trusted Fitness Instructor. Her no-hype down to earth attitude has endeared her to millions of fans worldwide. Tamilee is best known as the star of the famous Buns of SteelTM & Abs of SteelTM” fitness video series! Combined sales of Tamilee’s video titles are over 14 million units. Besides repeatedly topping the Billboard Video sales charts, Tamilee has published four best-selling books; “The Original Rubber Band Workout & (sold in six countries and five languages); Step up Fitness, Workouts for Dummies, and “Defy Gravity Workout”

Tamilee truly brings fitness home. She appeared daily on Fit TV previously known as Health Network Channel. She was host of ESPN’s Fitness Pro series and consulted for Fox Sport Body Squad fitness shows. 

Her Internet website is leading the fitness field with quality content, valuable services and premium products. Offering both DVD’s and digital downloads.

Tamilee’s most recent accomplishment was her induction into the Fitness Hall of Fame 2008 along side fitness greats; Kathy Smith, Judi Missett, Jack LaLane, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jane Fonda and Joe Weider. 

With over 65 products to her name, Tamilee continues to mentor, manage, and produces for other fitness professions and Influencers. She motivate millions with her Professional Speaking and coaching services. You can join one of her social media platform to get daily messages, tip and workouts. 

Today, Tamilee has created a new workshop program called “The POWER of 3” (Mind, Body and Spirit).  This program shows how YOUR MIND is where it all starts in order to achieve all that you’re wanting to align. Through basic exercises and small daily changes, you can achieve what you’re wanting for yourself easier and faster than the traditional way. 

Tamilee has jumped on the Podcast journey, by releasing her first podcast in August 2017 called “It’s STEEL about the BUNS”.  Topics will stretch from fitness, wellness and beyond the Buns!

Tamilee grew up on a farm in Northern California where she was surrounded with farm animals. Her love for animals has taken her to volunteer at animal shelters, invested in an up-scale pet boutique called Muttropolis and donates to many animal charities. A little trivia; Tamilee is not her birth name; she changed it to Tamilee when she was singing and playing her guitar for her love of country music! 

What we talked about on this episode:

  • How Buns of Steel got it's start.
  • What it was like to work with and be a ESPN Fitness Pros.
  • You don't get what you don't ask for.
  • Fitness Icon Kathy Smith was one of Tamilee's mentors.
  • Tamilee's first video was with the Today Shows Dr. Art Ulene
  • Buns of Steel thought a woman on the cover would 
  • Make sure your name is attached to the brand even if you didn't create it.
  • Always do your very best job you never know whose watching.
  • The pressure of having to maintain a certain image for the public.
  • Your hormones are the CEO of your body.
  • Book recommendation "Outsmarting the midlife fat cell' Debra Waterhouse
  • What worked for you once may not work for you all the time. Change it up, or work around your limitation.
  • Tune into what your body is saying and listen at every age.
  • How meditation can help you with your daily life.
  • Tamilee was almost a country music star.
  • I'm a John Denver Fan.
  • Tamilee's new podcast is "It's STEEL about the BUNS"
  • Why Tamilee gave up being a ESPN Fitness Pro.
  • When making decisions follow your heart and your gut.
  • How to see and receive your message.
  • Tune out so you can tune inwards.
  • Tamilee was on her own at 16 years of age and how that set her on the path she is on.
  • Be the BEST here right now,
  • Rewire the things you say to yourself by positive affirmations.
  • Be the Genius you were created to be.
  • If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plan.
  • Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.
  • People won't be thinking about your buns of steel when you pass, they are mainly going to remember how you made them feel.
Sep 4, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Spokesperson and author of Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive, Lisa share’s her seven-step’s toward optimal health.

Lisa loves healing the healer. Regardless of the label (i.e. cancer, autoimmune, cardiovascular or gastrointestinal disease, mental/cognitive difficulties, infertility, hyperactivity, insomnia or fatigue) Lisa utilizes functional medicine, self-love therapies, and her seven-step process to uncover hidden stressors. Clients rediscover their innate ability to heal from within.


On this podcast we are talked about Lisa's book Savvy Secrets, Eat, Think and Thrive  as well as her Seven Steps to Optimal Health.  

  • What it takes for transformational change (courage and commitment) and how each one of us are unique, requiring a personalized plan.  
  • what Lisa learned since writing her book
  •  Lisa gives a sneak preview into her upcoming workshop titled, "Holy Hormones!"  
  • Stress hormones affect our sex hormones which affect our metabolic hormones. They all live together in a "hormone soup."
  •  Stress affects our libido which causes us to hold onto fat, which creates inflammation in the body, which leads to chronic disease. To live our wildest sexiest lives, we need to do the first step in Lisa's Seven Steps to Optimal Health. The first step is to BEGIN; take an honest personal assessment and make a commitment to self.  
  • How juicing and eating the raw vegan diet detoxes the system
  • How to do a personal assessment and a guide to the different types of testing is out there.
  • The importance of prioritizing your own self-care.
  • Tips to lower cortisol.
  • We are either in a sympathetic or a parasympathetic state (Fright or Flight) Rest and repair, rest and digest, or mate and ovulate.
  • We all live in a hormone soup.
  • Stress raises insulin and cortisol
  • Your body doesn't know the difference between being chased by a wild animal or job stress.
  • What metabolic stress looks like.
  • Healing the gut

    Lisa is also Founder of The Wellness Inspired Network and Carpe Diem Wellness. Lisa is a Registered Yoga Teacher, a retired Registered Nurse, Certified Health Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition  and Functional Medicine Practitioner.  Certifications include 200 hour Vinyasa training, 300 hours in therapeutic yoga from Beloved Yoga Studio, Let Your Yoga Dance from Kripalu and Laughter Yoga. When Lisa is not coaching or speaking, you can find her joyfully practicing yoga and Carpe Diem Dance, bringing together all the tools of yoga to her clients. She is the mother of 4 adult children and grandmother. 703-421-7125

Aug 16, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Tosca Reno is a New York Times best selling author, founder of the Eat-Clean Diet® health revolution, health and wellness expert, transformation coach, motivational speaker, Star of a Gemini Award Winning reality TV show, physique competitor, and mother of 4.

Reno started her career at an age when most would consider retiring, earning her first Oxygen cover at 43, after losing 84 pounds and healing herself. She has competed in numerous physique contests and endurance events. 

The founder of the Eat Clean® series that kicked off a food revolution by the same name, Reno has sold millions of copies in several languages. She has helped millions lose weight and become well, thanks to Eating Clean®. Once 204 pounds and officially obese, Reno has maintained this using the Eat Clean Diet® method.

Reno is best seen live, where she rivets the audience with her gut-wrenching authenticity. She loves life, and is a tenacious woman who has endured intense personal loss including the passing of her son, her husband, and ultimately the family business and home. Reno is a force.

Reno is an expert health and wellness advisor for Canfitpro where she speaks, lectures and conducts wellness seminars and online education programs.

What we talked about in this episode:

  • How Tosca and Robert Kennedy wrote  and founded "The Eat Clean Diet"
  • One of the principle of eating clean is nourishing yourself.
  • Why you shouldn't be afraid of having fat in your diet.
  • What a day looks like on "The Clean Eating Diet".
  • Tosca tells us how she went from 85 pounds overweight to cover model in her 40's.
  • To make significant changes you must take action.
  • Taking action requires you to find the spark within you that lights you up.
  • Tosca shows up raw and real and doesn't not wait for things to be perfect to show up for life.
  • Eating flowers are actually extremely healthy for you.
  • Eating raw and healthy nourishes your gut microbiome.
  • How to make Kiefer and why it's healthy.
  • Why its important to take a probiotic that have many different strains.
  • How your gut health effects your hormonal, brain, and overall health.
  • Two Thirds of the population are wandering around constipated.
  • How Tosca left an unhappy marriage of seventeen years, met and married Robert Kennedy and completely changed her life.
  • When you make a decision to step into your truth unapologetically, things just start happening.
  • Tosca's defining moment was when she walked a flight of stairs and she was so overweight and unwell she couldn't make it up the stairs without her heart slamming in her chest to say good night to her girls
  • How to come back when you lose everything.
  • What you still have left after great loss.
  • Tosca said her self-care habits really helped her through tough times but,she had to stop and grieve and learn to take care of her emotional health.
  • Tosca focuses on the three pillars of wellness: eating, exercising, and the emotions.
  • What Arnold Scwarzeneggar is like and how he motivated and gave Tosca a little coaching for her first show after Robert died.
  • How to cope and recover from severe loss.
  • You recover one little step at a time and by owning what has happened to you,
  • Give yourself space to feel and breathe.
  • Unhook from perfection and find the gift in your struggle.


Aug 11, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Obi Obadike is the current Telly Award winning TV co-host of a national syndicated health TV show called Lifestyle Magazine over the last 4 seasons.  And he has won 3 Telly Awards associated with that show as a TV host.

This show airs every week on the Hope Channel, Family Channel, NRB Sky Angel and other national faith based network channels. The health TV show airs in many international different countries around the world.

He is a nationally recognized celebrity fitness/nutrition expert who has graced the cover of over fifty fitness magazines and has written over 100 articles, making him one of the most published fitness experts over the past decade. He has graced more fitness magazine covers than any African-American fitness professional.

He recently co-wrote a diet and exercise book with Hollywood TV Actor and movie star Morris Chestnut called "The Cut". Obi has been featured on major national Daytime TV Talk shows as a co-author guest with Morris Chestnut such as Dr Oz, Wendy Williams, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, ABC News Radio with Candice Williams, Steve Harvey The Chew, etc.

He has been featured in mainstream fitness magazines such as Women’s Health, Shape Magazine, Muscle and Performance, Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Fitness and other domestic and international fitness magazines.  He has been a fitness expert writer/columnist off and on for more than 8 different magazines and popular fitness websites over the last decade.

In 2015 he was the co-host and co-judge on a fitness reality competition show, Sweat Inc. on Spike TV, which was also hosted & judged by Jillian Michaels & co-judged and co-hosted by Randy Hetrick, Founder & CEO of TRX


Obi's handles:

Twitter: Obi_Obadike

Instagram: obiobadike

Facebook: @ObiObadikeFitness



Tiaja Piere is a focus group participant in the book, The Cut by Morris Chestnut and Obi Obadike. She is also a Licensed Private Investigator who helps people of all walks of life. Tiaja is also part of Beauty Underground which you will see often at New York Fashion Week and Denver Fashion Week.  She is currently the titleholder as Mrs. Wash Park 2017 for The Mrs. Colorado America USA Pageant. She is also a former Ms. Fitness USA and Ms. Fitness World competitor.


In addition to being a working mother and wife, Tiaja is full of energy and is always willing to give a helping hand to all. She volunteers her time and gives back to the community by giving free facials to those going thru cancer, advocating for women and children and feeding the homeless, just to name a few.


Tiaja feels that no matter the challenge, with perseverance anything can be accomplished.

Tiaja’s handles:

Twitter: Tiaja_Pierre

Instagram: Tiajamaisondebeaute

Facebook: @thecut.tiajapierre


In this episode we debunked the following fitness myths:

  • Carbs are the enemy.
  • Eating 5-6 small meals boosts your metabolism
  • Lifting weights will make women bulky.
  • Only women are obsessed with the scale.
  • Tilapia is the only good source of protein.
  • Cardio is the best way to get in shape.


In this episode we also discussed:

  • What a sample eating plan on The Cut Diet would look like for different individuals.
  • The transformations that took place after Morris and Obi reached out to recruit participants to do “The Cut” via Facebook.

 On a personal note:

I literally tuned into Steve Harvey's TV show and my friend Tiaja Piere was on talking with Steve Harvey, celebrity trainer Obi Obadike, and movie star Morris Chestnut. Obi and Morris co-authored the book "The Cut". Basically, Obi thought it would be a great idea to write a book after Morris had gotten into tip top shape in 12 weeks getting ready for the sequel to "The Best Man" his plan. People actually talked about Morris’s physique more than they talked about the movie. Obi and Morris decided to get together and write a book based on the training protocol that Obi used to get Morris into shape. The dynamic duo actually reached out to people on Facebook who would like to be part of the study. Tiaja Piere responded to their Facebook invitation to get in shape with many others, and as they say the rest is history. My friend Tiaja's transformation was astonishing and really peaked my interest, as I have known her for years. I also heard Obi and Morris on"The Model Health Show" with Shawn Stevenson and thought I would love to have them on my podcast. How is that for the power of positive thinking. You have to ask for what you want and then act upon it!



Aug 9, 2017

About Ward W. Bond, Ph.D.


Dr. Bond Health-related Accomplishments:

  • First to create the only oral nutritional program for Interstitial Cystitis.
  • First to bring awareness to the use of Hyaluronic Acid for Arthritis.
  • Created a very successful Hepatitis C Support Program to help reverse elevated liver enzymes and viral load counts, as well as reduce damage to the liver.
  • Created a very successful Multiple Sclerosis/ALS Support Program to help stop MS flare-ups and provide vital nutrients that feed the myelin sheath and the nervous system.



  • "Dr. Ward Bond's Vitamin, Mineral & Antioxidant Guide"
  •  “The Top 20 Life-Changing Nutrients You Can’t (Shouldn’t) Live Without!: Volume One”
  • “The Power of the Lion’s Mane Mushroom: Regenerate Your Brain with Lion’s Mane” Edition One


Dr. Bond and Celebrity Chef Susan Irby “Healing Remedies & Recipes” Online Class

This new online learning experience was birth March 7, 2016 after the success of Dr. Bond’s teachings at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas in the ‘Healthy You’ classes. The information is placed in a very easy readable format with the incredible additions of the healing recipes created by celebrity chef Susan Irby, the author of nine healthy cookbooks. This online E-Classroom has grown very quickly and continues to receive new members on a daily basis.


Dr. Bond’s THINK NATUARL Television Program

Dr. Bond hosts the daily television program, “Dr. Bond’s THINK NATURAL” for the past 11 years, which airs daily across the United States and Canada in 41 million households on Christian Television Network, DirecTV (Channel 376) and Dish TV (Channel 267) Dr. Bond has filmed over 1,800 episodes of THINK NATURAL.


Dr. Ward Bond’s Life Changing Wellness Radio Show

Coming September 2017 to RadioMD is The Dr. Ward Bond Show! Dr. Ward Bond will host this half hour radio program on the RadioMD Network. This program about natural health solutions. He will be interviewing the top experts in health, nutrition, herbal medicine and more.

Social Media:


Twitter: @DrWardBondTV and @ThinkNaturalTV

Facebook: DrWardBond

Instagram: DrWardBondTV


What we discussed in this episode :

  • Your future health is built by what you are putting in your mouth everyday.
  • Taking a good probiotic is important to good gut health.
  • Maca is Dr. Ward Bond’s go to for balancing hormones, for fertility, peri-menopause, and menopause
  • Up until the age of 40 the hormone’s are producing well, as hormone’s diminish the adrenal glands begin taking over for lack of hormonal function. This is part of the reason for hypothyroidism.
  • Progesterone helps to improve hypothyroidism.
  • Bupleurum root helps to remove stagnant hormones out of the liver
  • If you can go to sleep but you can’t stay asleep, it is your adrenals that are keeping you awake.
  • Holy Basil, Rhodiola, are great supplements to help turn your adrenal health around.
  • You must first clean out the liver in order to be able to get good use out of bioidenticals, synthetic hormones, or natural remedies.
  • Good gut health is so important for your overall health as well as hormone balance.
  • There is a link between our gut health and our mental health.
  • 90 percent of serotonin is created in the gut.
  • Fiber is number one in reducing the risk of colon cancer
  • Most people have 3-5 meals stuck in their digestive tract.
  • Ribose is great for reduction of pain for fibromyalgia.
  • Cordyceps is great for the immune system, lung health, and athletic performance and endurance.
  • Chaga is a great for energy.

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Jul 18, 2017
Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is
Originally from New Jersey, Angela studied for her undergrad at Rhode Island College receiving a degree in Biological Chemistry (B.S) and also competed in Division III NCAA Gymnastics.  
Two years after graduating, she decided to become involved in fitness competitions.  Within one year Angela was able to gain her Pro Card and compete at the National Pro level.  After winning multiple titles through Fitness America (Miss Bikini Boston 2014, Miss Fitness New England 2014, Miss Fitness Boston 2013), and placing top three in two National Pro Fitness Competitions, she decided to pursue a full-time career in the Fitness Industry.  She also competed at the regional qualifiers in Pittsburgh PA for American Ninja Warrior Season 7. 
Angela has also been featured in Oxygen, Strong Fitness Magazine, and Natural Muscle Magazine, including a full spread in Strong Magazines March/April issue 2016 
As a personal trainer, Angela is committed to helping others develop a healthy lifestyle through her magnetic personality and passion for exercise. Her training style focuses mostly around functional training techniques; enabling her workouts to be unique, fun, and effective.   She can accommodate any fitness goal whether it be injury prevention, weight-loss, or maintaining/gaining muscle.  I also am a coach at Cathy Savage Fitness which focuses on training women for Fitness competitions! I have taught sever RSVP Model Workshops.  I educate the models on how to eat right and exercises so that they are ready year round if they are called into a modeling gig! 
Contact info:
Owner AGAthletics

What we discussed in this episode:

Create your own vision board 

Take action, just go for it.

Everything happens for a reason.

When you have fear beforehand just think whats the worst that can happen?

Stop telling yourself the story that you can't do it.

Fitness doesn't know an age.

Declare what you want.

If your dream is scary, you go for it.

You aren't getting anything in your comfort zone.

How to get started into fitness.

 Angelas Vision Board Below!


Jul 14, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Jul 12, 2017
Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is
Barbara is  a Lifestyle Empowerment Coach, INHC, Bestselling Author of the books Take Back Your Life One Relationship at a Time and Removing the Mask, and a certified AFAA Group Fitness instructor. She specializes in working with women who have lost touch with who they once were and are ready to create a path to a new amazing life. Helping women put the focus back on them is a passion of mine. Self-care is so important in todays society. Things move so fast we often forget who we are and what it is we truly need to thrive and live a happy, healthy life. Barbara is the mother of 3 girls and 1 boy and know how important it is to take good care of herself so she can better take care of them. 
she is passionate about her newest workshop, Removing the mask, which empowers individuals to live their most authentic life.
she hosts a live online segment on Facebook called My Community. It's her way of giving back. Individuals go live with me to talk about their non-profit organizations, culture and art, community gardening, volunteer opportunities and more. 
Currently I am working on my newest book which will be a fiction novel that will take us through the journey of a woman who realizes it's never too late to make positive lifestyle changes.
Interesting info: I was an Improv stage actress for two years (like the tv show Who's Line is it Anyway), Dragon Boat Racer both a drummer and paddler, I currently sing in my church choir since 2014, past Competitive Dancer winning platinum and gold medals with my group when I was 38, and past Faux Finish Artist from the Finishing School in NY.
Social Media 
In this episode we talk about
  • It takes two people to make a relationship work.
  • You deserve to be happy.
  • Relationship is the worst kind of stress.
  • How to break the cycle.
  • Letting go of guilt and feeling of unworthiness.
  • Making no excuses.
  • Getting support.
  • Don't hide your imperfections.
  • It's okay to fail.
  • You can run, but you can't hide misery.
  • No relationship is perfect.
  • You are good enough.
  • A good life partner is who one wants to share your success.
  • Stepping out from behind the mask and stepping into your own authenticity.
  • Drop your fear of judgement.
  • Live your truth.
  • You can lose yourself in people pleasing.
  • Setting better boundaries.
  • Making yourself a priority.
Jul 7, 2017

Photo by Gordon Smith

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Stacie Venagro is a Certified Fitness Professional who is the reigning three time World Fitness Champion and 2014 Fitness Universe Champion. She has carved her place in history as the only all natural athlete to ever win back to back multiple World titles and championships.  As an elite and master trainer as well as a gym owner, in New England, Stacie is responsible for coaching weekend warriors, athletes and women and men who are seeking physique transformations, through weight loss and lifestyle changes. 

Stacie's athletic background and knowledge covers a wide variety of sports including gymnastics, cross country, basketball, dance and weight training. She has been involved in gymnastics and dance for the last 25 years and coached and choreographed hundreds of young students and adults to success.  She believes in living by example for the younger generation and to instill healthy habits both in the gym and in the kitchen.

Stacie's initial passion for fitness was personal. She initially learned about personal training at the age of 18, as many of her family members were struggling with  obesity. At a young age, she took control of her future, and decided to live a healthy lifestyle. While improving her own health, she inspired both her family and friends and she has remained a source of motivation, and empowerment for her wide span of clients who range from teenagers to senior citizens. 

As a well known trainer, Stacie is known for tough love, but there is "more love than tough" in her philosophy. "I am committed to treating every client like family. I want them to not only transform physically, but I want them to take control of their life emotionally and spiritually. My greatest gift I can give is to show my clients that fitness goals can be fun, and something that can last a lifetime." 

Stacie is now a mom and helps tons of women all over the world transform their bodies post baby. She understand the female body and what it's gone through during pregnancy. As she knows first hand, patience is key. As much as we all want to go back to our pre-baby bodies we have to give ourselves time to get there. You body just created a human and that's an amazing gift that didn't happen over night.

Lastly, Stacie has been featured in magazines around the world. She has been featured in Oxygen Magazine, Natural Muscle Magazine and Strong Fitness magazine. She contributes an article every month to ShopRI to show educate others on health and well-being.

Accomplishments:                                       Achievements:

2014 World Miss Fitness America Pro                              

2014 Miss Fitness Universe Pro                                       

2013 World Miss Fitness America Pro                               

2013 Runner-Up Fitness Universe Pro Division        

2013 Fitness America New England Champion​        

2012 Fitness America World Champion                  

2012 Fitness America Boston Champion

What we discuss in this episode. 

  • Where Stacie found her inspiration at 18 years old to get into fitness 
  • The sisterhood of fitness.
  • How to find balance with a busy schedule.
  • Fitting fitness in as a busy mom.
  • Working out tips during pregnancy.
  • Celebrating all stages of womanhood.
  • How not to take yourself so seriously.
  • Why you should live in the moment.
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone.
  • How to handle your haters.
  • Stacie's favorite ways to work out and stay in shape.
  • Stop and smell the roses.
  • Why you should just do you.
Jul 4, 2017

Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is

Diana Patton is a Speaker, Social Justice and Integrative Health Advocacy Coach, Author and Attorney. She provides self-care and advocacy coaching to school counselors and others in the “helps” and “healing” profession, so that they can continue their work of empowering young people to push past trauma, abuse and adversities, to find their identity, to train in it, and use their identity in service to others. She also provides consulting and speaking services to school leadership and conducts legal advocacy at the state and national level, in support of school counselors. She also speaks to businesses to empower their employees to Find Their Why, and use their why to serve others.

In March 2017, Diana published her inspiring 5-star Amazon rated autobiography, Inspiration in My Shoes, in which she uses her harrowing personal story to help others find the courage and strength they need to be successful, which primarily involves being secure in their own personal story, their identity, their why, and sharing that with others.


In this podcast we discuss.

1. How your struggle can become your strength

2. You can fight your way to the top.

3. Finding inspiration when you connect your mind and body through movement.

4. Being brave and having courage when your facing adversity.

5. How Diana was stuck in a life that isn't right for her and how she got unstuck.

6. You can't help anyone hiding behind a mask.

7. Sharing the power of the truth sets you free.

8. Why you have to slow down to recognize the power you have.

9. Learning to let go of things that you have no control over.

10. How positive affirmations, gratitude, and setting daily intentions make you feel like you can do anything.

11. What words are you saying to yourself that are not of value to you?

12. What are things that you love to do that are off the charts crazy that others don't want to do?

13. How to find your identity.

14. Focusing on your strengths

15. Setting better boundaries.

16. How we are are own worst enemies.

Jun 26, 2017


Follow Linda on Social Media @ Chickfitstudio on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and my website is


Angie is the Owner of AngieFit, a fitness company partnered with her husband as well as the number one at home fitness production company, Beachbody. She manages a team of fitness coaches and also works with customers who want to improve their health and fitness in the convenience of their home.

Angie has been a national fitness presenter since 2006 and has traveled around the world to present instructor training's and at fitness conventions. She has appeared on QVC, in dozens of fitness videos, worked alongside Shaun T in developing the Insanity Live program, and currently develops Turbo Kick music and choreography for gyms all across the country. She lives in Toledo, Ohio with her husband and teenage son.

  • Angie talks about what her experience was like being mentored by fitness icon Chalene Johnson and then helping to develop Insanity Live with Shaun T. She asks him whats the modification for that? He says" There is no modification for INSANITY". LOL
  • How Angie met and married her husband and what it's like for them run their own beachbody coaching business together.
  • How being involved in Turbo Kick played a huge role in Angie's sons interest in Karate at a young age.
  • When opportunity knocks be ready.
  • Angie's expercience teaching Insanity in Shaun T's Place to the California Blue Jays
  • How to live your life by design.
  • Angie's favorite way to work out when not teaching Insanity, choreographing,Turbo kick, or instructing Pi -Yo is to do Beachbody Live at home in her PJ's
  • Why it's important to change up the way you eat and exercise periodically.
  • What it is like to publicly go through In Vitro Fertilization.
  • How hormones effect everything and important it is to keep them balanced.
  • Just be you.

Plus Angie's stories working with Chalene Johnson and Shaun T are not to be missed.



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