Are you interested in a becoming healthier? Have you been worried about the quality of your food? In this episode I talk with Chad Austin. In a world that is flooded with promises of instant gratification, short cuts, quick fixes, and easy buttons, Chad helps his clients stop constantly starting over so they can improve their quality of life with long term fitness success. Whether speaking in front of large groups, or delivering live or virtual workshops, attendees always walk away with a plan that they can use immediately. Chad Austin is the owner of Priority Fitness in Overland Park, KS, and is also the best-selling and award winning author of the book series, “Make Fitness A Priority.” He was the host of the talk radio show, “Be Fit...For Life”, and has been a featured guest on over 50 podcasts. We discuss how to make fitness a priority in your life, and how to overcome sabotage. Chad discusses all the excuses and how to move past them.
Questions I asked:
· How hard is it to hit the fitness reset button?
· Why should fitness be everyone’s top priority?
· Why does fitness improve your life?
· What are some strategies for busy people to prioritize fitness?
· How important is it to improve your eating?
· How do you overcome saying “I’m bored”?
· How do you overcome saying “I’m too old”?
· What is a Doughnut Slayer, and how do you become that?
· How do you deal with someone sabotaging you?
· How do you change your mindset?
· How can you avoid sliding backwards when you reach a goal?
· How do you set a goal for yourself?
· Where can people connect with you online?
Topics Discussed:
· Health.
· Fitness.
· Lasting Change.
· Healthy diet.
· Affordable fitness.
· Higher energy levels.
· Confidence.
Quotes from the show:
· “Making fitness a priority isn’t easy.” @SisterhoodSweat
· “When I’m taking good care of myself, I’m a better husband.” @SisterhoodSweat
· “You have to do what fits in your life right now.” @SisterhoodSweat
· “Everything starts with good nutrition.” @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Chad:
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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